Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on The Gods Must Be Crazy

In their mythology, God created all of southern Africa for the San (Bushmen). Then he created the San, and then he created the San’s animals for and even from the San. They believe God left them to guard it all, which they did for years, until we (the more advanced people) arrived. The Bushmen are the world’s oldest surviving pragmatic environmentalists. The Bushmen are some of the last nomadic hunter-gatherers on earth. But let’s not forget that before the start of the Agricultural Revolution, all humans were hunters-gatherers. The Agricultural Revolution entailed humans first discovering the technology of domesticating plants and/or animals. The result was mankind becoming more sedentary vs. nomadic. This led to a significant increase in our population growth. At the start of the Agricultural Revolution, the Bushmen had all of Africa up to the southern edge of the Sahara, except for the Pygmies occupying the Congo, and the Bantu black having only the western most west of Africa. The majority of the Sans were ethnically cleansed for their land in South Africa by the Dutch who landed in 1652, invading from the south, and by the Zulus and other black migrating from the north. By 1890, the last of the Bushmen had been exterminated in South Africa, leaving only their haunting rock paintings and a few of their genes. The last of the Bushmen survived into the 20th century only in the world’s fourth largest desert, the Kalahari, despite the bounty on their heads in the early 1900’s. This was simply because it was a harsh daunting land avoided by all others. The Bushmen learned to live despite there being no surface water. The 70,000 or so Kalahari Bushmen that survive today are in Botswana, Namibia and a few in Angola, Zimbabwe and Zambia. The various Bushmen groups live in the desert areas of Namibia, Botswana and Angola. The Bushmen, originally known as the Sans, were given their name by the Dutch in South Africa. Eve... Free Essays on The Gods Must Be Crazy Free Essays on The Gods Must Be Crazy In their mythology, God created all of southern Africa for the San (Bushmen). Then he created the San, and then he created the San’s animals for and even from the San. They believe God left them to guard it all, which they did for years, until we (the more advanced people) arrived. The Bushmen are the world’s oldest surviving pragmatic environmentalists. The Bushmen are some of the last nomadic hunter-gatherers on earth. But let’s not forget that before the start of the Agricultural Revolution, all humans were hunters-gatherers. The Agricultural Revolution entailed humans first discovering the technology of domesticating plants and/or animals. The result was mankind becoming more sedentary vs. nomadic. This led to a significant increase in our population growth. At the start of the Agricultural Revolution, the Bushmen had all of Africa up to the southern edge of the Sahara, except for the Pygmies occupying the Congo, and the Bantu black having only the western most west of Africa. The majority of the Sans were ethnically cleansed for their land in South Africa by the Dutch who landed in 1652, invading from the south, and by the Zulus and other black migrating from the north. By 1890, the last of the Bushmen had been exterminated in South Africa, leaving only their haunting rock paintings and a few of their genes. The last of the Bushmen survived into the 20th century only in the world’s fourth largest desert, the Kalahari, despite the bounty on their heads in the early 1900’s. This was simply because it was a harsh daunting land avoided by all others. The Bushmen learned to live despite there being no surface water. The 70,000 or so Kalahari Bushmen that survive today are in Botswana, Namibia and a few in Angola, Zimbabwe and Zambia. The various Bushmen groups live in the desert areas of Namibia, Botswana and Angola. The Bushmen, originally known as the Sans, were given their name by the Dutch in South Africa. Eve...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to deal with coworkers you dont like

How to deal with coworkers you dont like It can be unbearable having to go show up every day and see someone who drives you absolutely nuts. It can be even worse if major parts of your workday involve interacting with this person. Before you reach a breaking point and say or do something you might regret, try a few of these helpful strategies instead. You can’t change someone’s personality, but you can find a healthy and productive way to deal.Don’t badmouth to your coworkers.Don’t let your hatred of this person spill into the rest of your work life or poison your other colleagues. This isn’t high school- it’s a workplace. Talking trash is a bad, immature look. Staying classy also means watching your body language, sighs, and eye rolls in that person’s presence. You might think you’re being subtle- or funny- but you’re not. Rudeness is never a good look.Kill with kindness.When in doubt, default to the most polite version of yourself. Fake it ’til you make it if you have to- acting sweet as pie might not come easy, but you’ll come across as professional. Try simple pleasantries: say hello or nod when passing them in the halls and say goodnight when leaving for the day. You can’t change someone, but you can change how you act around them and the energy you put into the world (and the workplace).Have a heart to heart.Some work antagonism is just due to a personality clash, which is hard to fix. But if have tension with someone because of one or two specific and heated incidents, that’s easier to fix. Your best bet is to hash it out. Ask your coworker to go to a quiet conference room, go for a walk, or have a cup of coffee. Bring up recent tensions and tell him or her you want to work together to move past them.  Who knows, you could end up having a fruitful work relationship- even a friendly one- if this sort of gamble pays off. If it doesn’t? Ask yourself how much worse off you would be for giving it a tr y.Don’t take it personally.Some people are just not worth your energy. Your coworker could be just plain incompetent- or a huge jerk. Either way, it’s not about you and it’s not worth letting annoyance get in the way of your work and professional growth. Focus on being a good person and a valuable employee- that’s why you’re at work.Think about all the energy you’re putting into hating this person. Or just being perpetually annoyed. Could you be doing something better with your time? Focus on yourself, your job, and the good you can do to counteract the rage this person drives you to! Remember, you can only control how you act. So act better. Every chance you get.Remember: you don’t have to like everyone.(And everyone doesn’t have to like you.) Sometimes you’re just going to run into people that you simply don’t quite jive with- it’s all part of being an adult. Vent at home to your loved ones if you must, t hen show up at the office every day, smile politely, and get your work done.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

ECONOMICS 1. The Managerial theories of the firm seek to provide Essay

ECONOMICS 1. The Managerial theories of the firm seek to provide models characterised by realism in motivation, whilst recognising the continued importance of profit in the corporate environment - Essay Example As income taxes have risen over the past historical era, the outright impact of salary or bonus increases has been moderated somewhat. The incremental tax on income in the UK and the US is at about 50%, when all local and national income taxes are taken into account. Thus the standard supply and demand relationship demonstrates a curve, as shown below. Since taxes climb with income, the curve's change in slope is more pronounced: As compared to the turn of the last century, when income taxes were less than 10%, the total impact of increases in wages has therefore moderated. The second influence on this moderation has been the increase on the value of leisure time (Kokoski 1987). As the value of leisure hours has increased, the amount which needs to be paid to offset the value of leisure time has also increased, all else being equal. Group incentives can take the form of income increases (salary and bonus) or non-monetary rewards, such as additional vacation days. From a microeconomics standpoint, there is no difference between group pay incentives and individual pay incentives. There are psychological differences which can be substantial, however, depending on the type of performance being rewarded. An extreme example of the point above is an individual whose personal rewards far exceed those of the group, and in achieving his goals may actually be a detriment to the shareholders. An example of this might be Robert Eaton, who was the Chairman of the Chrysler Corporation at the time that his company was approached by Daimler-Benz. Eaton agreed to a plan whereby Daimler-Benz would merge with Chrysler, and he sold the Board of Directors and employees' unions on the plan. What he didn't reveal was that he stood to gain over $100 million personally if the deal went through. The resulting hue and cry was that Eaton "sold out" Chrysler, which was borne out by subsequent events. Chrysler's largest shareholder at the time, the Tracinda Corporation1, sued Daimler-Chrysler for over $8 billion for erasing nearly $38 billion of market capitalization due to the transaction (CNN 2000). Figure 2: Reduction in share price since merger (CNN 2000) Thus a personal incentive (for Eaton) was in direct opposition to the interests of the shareholders. Stock Options Stock options have the advantage of better alignment with shareholder expectations. The theory is that managers are

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Brands Deal With Fluctuating Markets at Las Vegas Trade Shows Article

Brands Deal With Fluctuating Markets at Las Vegas Trade Shows - Article Example One of the things that stand out from the article that is an indication that it will affect the overall fashion trend or the consumers behaviors is unemployment.2 According to the article, the unemployment rate dropped to 5.7% from 6.6%.3 It shows a strong indication that more people will have the money to spend on the apparel. As more people are employed and earn some cash, their spending also increases which is good for any business. The businesses will no longer rely on the entrepreneurs to buy the products as it will have an expanded consumer base including those who were not employed. In conclusion, consumer’s purchasing power is critical for business because it make them trap their spending. Increasing trend of employment among the consumers is a good predictor that sells of apparel will increase because many consumers have money to spend. Employment will also influence the consumer behaviors because they will be buying as per the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Describe The Factors To Consider Essay Example for Free

Describe The Factors To Consider Essay There are a number of factors to consider when promoting effective communication. When using verbal communication with patients it is important to speak looking at them, speaking slowly and clearly and using simple language,. It is important to note that when working with patients with learning disabilities we have made sure they have understood what I have said. When speaking with colleagues or professionals the language I use can be more complex and often I will speak faster however most factors remain the same, it is still important that information given verbally is clear and concise. An example of this is when this is when I have mentored new staff I make sure I talk over everything slowly and clearly and I also get then to repeat some of that information back to show they have understood. Verbally communicating in this way will differ dependant on weather I am talking on a one to one basis or to a group. If I am talking to a group I must remember to address everyone and not exclude anyone. When using non-verbal communication there are many different factors to consider. For example, if I am slummed back in a chair, it may show that I am not interested in the conversation. Eye contact is also very important as this can show that I am engaged in the conversation, other things to consider would be hand gestures, body language and facial expressions, for example, if I frown or have my arms folded I may give a negative impression. Finally it is important to remember that for effective communication to take place it involves both parties to be engaged. Being able to listen well is vital in a two way conversations.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing Male Dominance in Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Em

Support of Male Dominance in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Emma  Ã‚   While there is no shortage of male opinions concerning the role of females, which usually approve of male dominance, there is a lack of women expressing views on their forced subservience to men. This past subordination is the very reason there were so few females who plainly spoke out against their position, and the search for females expressing the desire for independence necessarily extends to the few historical works by women that do exist. Jane Austen is a well-known female author, and it is natural that her novels would be studied in an attempt to find a covert feminist voice. However, though certain feminist elements may exist, one common theme found throughout the novels Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Emma, makes it impossible to label these works as completely supporting feminism. The idea that women should not be allowed to have power, should be controlled by men, and that males should use their power to the fullest extent is inescapable. This idea is raised repea tedly throughout these novels. One aspect of this theme expresses the belief that women should not have power since it causes women to corrupt themselves and harm those around them. In Pride and Prejudice, Mrs. Bennet and Lady Catherine are prime examples of why women should not be allowed to have control. Though she is not the head of the household, Mrs. Bennet does have control because her husband would rather watch than participate in the family. This is shown when Mrs. Bennet was embarrassing the family by her transparent attempt to give Jane and Mr. Bingley more time together after every one else had left the ball, and Mr. Bennet did not try to c... ...rests of women are served by being controlled and encouraging the full use of male authority. Though this idea is supported by the characters of her imagination and has no basis in reality, it does further advocate the patriarchal power system. Whether Jane Austen was conscience of this theme is unknown, but even if she did not intend for it to occur, it is no less real. Works Cited Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Norton Critical 3rd edition, ed. Donald Gray New York and London: Norton, 2001. Austen, Jane. Emma. Norton Critical 3rd edition, ed. Donald Gray New York and London: Norton, 2001. Austen, Jane. Mansfield Park. Norton Critical 3rd edition, ed. Donald Gray New York and London: Norton, 2001. Trilling, Lionel. "Mansfield Park". Jane Austen: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ian Watt, ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1963.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Philippine Newscasters Essay

If the world of mass media is dominated by men, would it be more powerful and more effective? What if females rule the news industry, will the audience feel more on the softer side of the news story? The distinction of men and women existed even before the written history of the Philippines. Women were limited when it comes to expressing their thoughts, opinions, and skills. However, in the present generation, gender discrimination is already evanescent. The capacities of the ladies have improved for them not to be surpassed by men. The society offers almost all occupations for both genders. In the field of news and public affairs, the newsmen and women affect the impact of the stories. The Farlex Incorporation (2012) defines news anchors as the personalities who â€Å"investigate, report or edit news stories†. They articulate news to inform the viewers on the latest events happening within a certain state. These people can convince the community of explorers, political analyzers and scholars. They are able to help educate and reform the society through informing and sharing life stories of human value (Robles & Corsino, 2009). News stories are treated as goods or commodities and as they deliver these goods wrapped with grandiloquent words, they expect to attract people to watch their program. Each newscaster has their own strategies and techniques in explaining news events. These practices differ based on many aspects such as their protocols in their telecommunication channels, their signature traits etc. However, it is apparent that newsmen and women have differences and similarities in doing such approaches. Appearance has a significant effect in the efficiency of news anchors particularly here in the Philippines wherein viewers judge reliability through the physical aspects. In 2010, the Spot Incorporated specifies the top ten cutest local newsmen and based from the description publ ished, â€Å"mestizo† and â€Å"moreno† looks and facial features are the common characteristics observed. Add to that is their trustworthy and charming faces, tidy hairstyle and clean-cut fashion sense. With these factors, their masculine impact gave the audience an impression of dependability and the authoritative presence due to their formal appeal. In terms of the actual coverage, attitude of newsmen still have commonalities in such a way that when they utter news reports, their faces exhibit seriousness (Tenedero,  2012). News anchors such as Ted Failon and Mike Enriquez speak faster; have louder and more powerful voices than newswomen which are evident in their late night news programs. Their technique in giving emphasis to significant details is through modulation and to make the news interesting to all audiences, newsmen sometimes add jesting commentaries. Female news anchors are most commonly known for their soft voices and appeal to the viewers. Torre (2006) characterizes local female newspersons as the people who give their efforts more on developing their appearance to draw the audience’s attentions. They turn to be celebrity-like public figures and more popular than men due to their formal trend (Uy, 2011). Tenedero (2012) stated that newswomen report expressively in a way the viewer senses strong feelings but still possess authoritative appeal to the masses. They also react through exaggerated facial expressions such as smirks and sighs (Torre, 2006). They also speak softly and slowly and with their hand gestures as a way to give emphasis on specific news details. Most of their reports express intellectual and adventurous stories which require fearless attitude. Men and women have the same opportunity in the news industry. News does not necessitate specific gender to fit in for reporting. Like the newsmen, female news reporters also give comments and their judgments but in a humorless manner. They also establish their persona to the viewers (Tenedero, 2012). During television coverage, it is expected that people of news and public affairs are in formal attire for them to prove their trustworthiness. News personalities must also maintain proper posture to show authoritative presence and to build good impression to the audience. Mass media is considered as an institution in the society and as a part of it, news anchors have the responsibility to serve the nation as the voice of the people when covering a news story. As they deliver information, they portray different types of approaches in which female and male news anchors are being weighed against each other. In terms of appearance, style and fashion sense, manner of reporting and habits, newsmen have several traits that are not visible with the female news anchors but all of them have one goal which is to reveal, inform and educate the citizens of the country. George Herbert once said, â€Å"There would be no great ones if there were no little ones†. In some ways, there is no reason for the people to judge news  personalities. Although they differ in many ways, it is difficult to say that one is better than the other. They have numerous distinctions and likeness. They have weaknesses and strength in many aspects. Reference List: Comparison and Contrast of Male and Female News Anchor in the Philippines (Tenedeero, H., personal interview, 2012) (2012).The Free Dictionary by Farlex Incorporation. Retrieved from Robles, E.M., & Corsino, C. B. (2003). English This Way 6. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. Top 10 Cutest TV Newsmen in the Philippines. (August 2012). Spot Incorporation Torre, Nestor (2011, July 1). Focus on news, not on newscasters. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved from:,_not_newscasters Uy, S. M. Top 10 Hottest TV Newswomen in the Philippines: 2011 Edition. (December 2011). Retrieved from

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Management and Harbin Engineering University

Question1 – Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies. * †¢I am a grade eight pianist and play a number of other musical instruments including guitar and drums. I used to be a member of a band for two years and participated in a number of performances. I successfully organized two Christmas parties for the department when I was in Harbin Engineering University. †¢I enjoy playing basketball, swimming, playing pool as the methods of relaxation. Question2 – What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? * I worked as a team member of the event management section belonging to the student union of University of Strathclyde. â€Å"Battle of Bands† is one of the event I worked for with five team members to deal with the Finance and Marketing parts. Set up the budget and successfully generated funding from companies. Question3 – What factors have influenced your career choice? I am an enthusiastic team player and appreciate the value of working well with others. I have a natural affinity towards problem solving and enjoy reading and researching developments in the financial industry. During my spare time, I found myself reading and researching stock market data and investing in a portfolio of my own. I was frequently asked to completing tasks at short notice, which required me to have great organizing skill and work well under pressure. My general interest and passion for the industry is one of my principal reasons for pursuing a degree in Finance. Question4 – Outline your career ambitions and objectives. * My short-term objective is to work in a fast growing company which can provide me with great opportunities to add value to the company by using my education and variety of experiences and eventually increase its bottom line. My long-term objective is to become a qualified professional and a considerable manager or leader of the company. On the other hand, I will attain the professional qualifications such as CFA, ACCA, etc. Question5 – At KPMG our global values guide the way that we interact with each other and help to create our open, friendly and supportive culture. Please tell us about a situation where you have used two of KPMG's values to achieve a positive outcome. *

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Paperless System in Thailand Essays

Paperless System in Thailand Essays Paperless System in Thailand Essay Paperless System in Thailand Essay This study seeks to find out the chief barriers and give recommendations accordingly. The study also aims to identify the required steps for Thailand to take to reach the Single Window stage. The study is done by surveying people in the relevant fields using interview questionnaire. The result shows that users are more satisfied with PETS than DEED. However, a lot more can still be done to further improve PETS, for example, raise the number of trained customs officer, maintain the system and prevent errors occurred. Provide related lecture for system users. Moreover, in order to be ready for advancing to the next stage, there is a need to build the capacity of government agencies and the officers, raise Acts budget, revise laws and regulations and lastly, pursue wallpapered road-maps to SW and utilize modeling tools. As for the cross- border level, maintenance of Regional Standard Data sets in the term of human resource, revision of laws and regulations for cross-border data exchange are required to reach the goal of establishing cross-border SW. 4 Acknowledgement It is an honor for me to derive such valuable opinions from all of the interviewees who are experience in the field of my study. This thesis would not have been possible without their precious cooperation. Moreover, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Yakima Kanji, whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level enabled me to develop an understanding of the subject. Besides my supervisor, I am heartily thankful to Miss Mack and Professor Simon Bah who gave me advices on thesis pattern as well as pointed out lots of grammatical errors. I am indented to my colleague, Kane Standardization to support me in a number of ways. He helped me look for some information I cannot reach during my stay in Japan. Furthermore, he also assisted me to appropriate the words used in my thesis. Last but not least, I offer my regards and blessings to all of those who supported me in any aspects during the completion of the project. Coordinators Sandpit 5 Chapter l: Introduction The purpose of this paper is to assess the status of Paperless Trading System (PETS) in Thailand and to study and discuss steps needed to advance to the next stage of trading system. There is a need to understand what PETS is all about. According to APACE (Wang Khan, 2005), Paperless Trading is the activity of exchanging data through electronic means. It means all parties in the chain of trade, namely, supplier, Dryers, customs, puddle Institutes, Tanks Ana logistic companies, utilize information technology and standardize business data exchange among participants, in order to accomplish the whole processes from finding a partner to the signing of a contract in trading. To better understand paperless trading, let us have a look at the broader sense of e-commerce and how it relates to paperless trading. According to the assessment reported by Wang Khan, 2005, E-commerce Demonstration Act of United Nations International Trade Committee describes the wider sense of e- amerce as business activities that utilize data information, which refers to information produced, transmitted or stored via electronic, optical or other similar ways. In other words, the broader sense of e-commerce can be regarded as e- business that consists of e-commerce and paperless trading or e-trade. The chain of International Trade starts when an order is placed, followed by transporting goods, clearing custom and paying bills. This chain involves logistics, financial process, and information circulation, and it implicates multiple parties and working sectors. The implement of International Trade is high since there are different goods, ways of delivery, processes and varieties of payment (as shown in Fig 1. . ) Figure 1 . 1: Chain of International Trade Source: Wang, J. Khan, F. (2005) From the chain process above, it is obvious that some parties, such as customs, are directly related to markets, and some others, such as the government, are not. However, this does not mean that market efficiency is affected by these non-market related parties. In fact, they play a very important role in the process because the efficiency of overspent admi nistration and legislation has a positive impact on market efficiency directly. Moreover, the non-market related parties such as the government could affect other marketplaces parties as well. For instance, governments could set up some standards, rules and regulations to coordinate for administration purposes. Therefore, without government participation in building a 6 better public service environment, the development of paperless trading will be restrained. As a result, it can be said that paperless trading is a combination of E- commerce and E-government in the field of international trade (Refer to Fig. . 2).

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Neon Facts - Ne or Element 10

Neon Facts - Ne or Element 10 Neon is the element best-known for brightly-lit signs, but this noble gas is used for many other purposes. Here are neon facts: Neon Basic Facts Atomic Number: 10 Symbol: Ne Atomic Weight: 20.1797 Discovery: Sir William Ramsey, M.W. Travers 1898 (England) Electron Configuration: [He]2s22p6 Word Origin: Greek neos: new Isotopes: Natural neon is a mix of three isotopes. Five other unstable isotopes of neon are known. Neon Properties: The melting point of neon is -248.67Â °C, boiling point is -246.048Â °C (1 atm), density of gas is 0.89990 g/l (1 atm, 0Â °C), density of liquid at b.p. is 1.207 g/cm3, and valence is 0. Neon is very inert, but it does form some compounds, such as with fluorine. The following ions are known: Ne, (NeAr), (NeH), (HeNe). Neon is known to form an unstable hydrate. Neon plasma glows reddish orange. The discharge of neon is the most intense of the rare gases at ordinary currents and voltages. Uses: Neon is used to make neon signs. Neon and helium are used to make gas lasers. Neon is used in lightning arrestors, television tubes, high-voltage indicators, and wave meter tubes. Liquid neon is used as a cryogenic refrigerant, as it has over 40 times the refrigerating capacity per unit volume than liquid helium and over three times that of liquid hydrogen. Sources: Neon is a rare gaseous element. It is present in the atmosphere to the extent of 1 part per 65,000 of air. Neon is obtained by liquefaction of air and separation using fractional distillation. Element Classification: Inert (Noble) Gas Neon Physical Data Density (g/cc): 1.204 ( -246Â °C) Appearance: colorless, odorless, tasteless gas Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 16.8 Covalent Radius (pm): 71 Specific Heat (20Â °C J/g mol): 1.029 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 1.74 Debye Temperature (K): 63.00 Pauling Negativity Number: 0.0 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 2079.4 Oxidation States: n/a Lattice Structure: Face-Centered Cubic Lattice Constant (Ã…): 4.430 CAS Registry Number: 7440-01-9 References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Mellow Assignment #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mellow Assignment #2 - Essay Example One such example can be given by the popularized total white prison gang founded after the state prisons started to become desegregated, The Brand. According to the article in The New Yorker, The Brand became the most lethal prison gang in the history of America, starting from California and spreading in other state prisons around the country. They brutally stabbed, strangulated and poisoned their inmates, rival gang members, blacks and homosexuals, child molesters, prison guards and anyone that annoyed them. Apart from the killings, the Brand leaders ordered contracted hits extorted the victims, robbed from them and were involved deeply into drug trafficking inside the prison wall. Also popularly known as the Aryan Brotherhood, they had the motto of Blood In/Blood Out meaning a person had to take a life to become a member and losing ones own life was how the membership ended. Another example in time is the incident that took in the California Institution for Men, which serves as a Level I, II and III prison where the designed capacity is overshadowed with present number of inmates. On January 10, 2005 the correctional officer Manuel A. Gonzalez, Jr. was stabbed by an inmate Jon Christopher Blaylock, who was transferred six months before from a Level IV maximum security prison. The inquiry in the matter found out that the inmate was inappropriately housed in a minimum security Level I area, was long awaiting transfer, had easy access to weapons and security was lax among several findings. According to the article in the Prison Journal, prisons in California are facing an increasing threat of overcrowding and high service costs. The goal to classify the inmates was to protect the public and help prisoner rehabilitation, was left in the dark when the budget constraints hit. Prisoners are either uselessly held in expensive facilities to maintain the ‘public safety’ while others are kept in minimum security zones. In California only 11%

Friday, November 1, 2019

Baltimore-City Evaluation Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Baltimore-City Evaluation - Research Paper Example Climate was perfect for agriculture, forest area was large and spacious and the Countryside proved to be very fertile. Baltimore County was first gifted in 1632 by England’s King to George Calvert and the name Baltimore County was adopted in 1639 (City-Data, 2009). The town of Baltimore became established in 1656, primarily due to the booming tobacco industry and the dependence of local economy of tobacco. Baltimore’s has had its share of ups and downs, milling flour and grain, which was affected greatly by the revolutionary war. Being the site of the first public railroad in 1828 Baltimore became connected to the rest of the country, remaining impartial for the most part during the civil war acting as a military depot ;despite Maryland belonging to the Union. The city was able to remain prosperous in World War II as well, being a military supply center and escaped World War I unscathed. Physical Site Baltimore city’s topography is characterized primarily by stre ams and capes, though there are 7 bays, an island, lake, summit and spring (Maryland Hometown Locator, 2012). Baltimore city is actually lies within the coastal plain of the Atlantic and the Piedmont Plateau. Stream valleys run through the almost level uplands (Baltimore Ecosystem Study, 2012). Surrounded nearly completely by the County of Baltimore, waterfront property is available with regional choice property being waterfront and the more distressed property being located further away from the waterfront. Baltimore’s down town area consists of City Center, Inner Harbor, west Side and Camden yards. Inner Harbor allows you easy access to the National Museum and Camden Yards is home to the architecturally acclaimed stadium of the Baltimore Orioles, while the Baltimore Ravens play at M and T Bank Stadium, which is down town with a mile of Inner Harbor. Though not considered downtown Curtis Bay allows the distinct opportunity to experience the feel of historical military sites as Fort Armistead and Battery Irons (Maryland Hometown Locator, 2012). Other recreational opportunities the city provides are multiple shopping venues, fine dining and unique restaurants such as the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, and multiple parks and natural settings are almost always in close distance (City of Baltimore, 2012). Because Baltimore has a variety of unique entertainment opportunities, allows those who enjoy the water easy access in many locations and is home to many historical sites I rated Baltimore’s physical characteristics an 8. This was primarily due to the fact that Baltimore seems heavily focused on Adult with fewer attractions geared towards children. Street Morphology Downtown Baltimore’s streets follow a grid pattern though their development is suited to the organic nature of the surroundings, located around Inner Harbor. Breaks or deviations in the grid are found around the Harbor as well as numerous parks and natural greenery is located surround ing much of the Harbor. Inlets disrupt the grid and Harbor Bridge walk connects these busy areas which contain the Baltimore World Center and the national Aquarium (Visit Baltimore, 2012). The streets attempt at a Baroque pattern is evidenced around Camden Yards Oriole Park and M and T Bank Stadium though their concepts remain grid in nature major streets do intersect around these large