Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Consider all of the elements of control used by the Party in the Coursework

Consider all of the elements of control used by the Party in the selections from Nineteen Eighty Four - Coursework Example Police were feared to the extent that it was thought everywhere any time one was being seen by a police officer. This made the masses as seen in the behavior of prisoners timid and as such they couldn’t even air out their minds. There were arbitrary arrests and convictions without trial with the subjects being forced to confess to false of crimes such as sabotage, espionage and embezzlement. The party employed a lot of propaganda in management of its affairs; there was an underground movement of conspirators (the brotherhood) which was spreading fear and labeling party rebels. it excites to not how power can be used by a party to propagate vested interests, instill fear in masses and hence ensure they submit completely. Separation was ripe with party members being restricted from going just to any shop. This was to force even those with divergent views succumb bow to pressure and dance to the whims of the party. People were totally deprived of their fundamental freedoms such a s free association, freedom of speech and others. In conclusion therefore Nineteen Eighty Four is a perfect narration of how regimes can engage in evil doing, deprive masses of their rights and employ unethical means to seize control. People are forcefully forced to sing party slogans, made to keep silent and not question anything happening around for fear of being punished. The writer is a victim and is in prison for obvious political reasons; they are tortured in prison and forced to confess to charges that are not

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The delft network in the netherlands

The delft network in the netherlands 1 About the Delft network Delft is a city located in the Netherlands, having a population of 96168. It is spread over an area of 24 (Wikipedia 2009a). The Delft University of Technology is the largest technical university in the Netherlands, with over 15,000 students (Wikipedia 2009b). Due to the significant student population, cycling is an important mode of transport. Delft is bound by freeways on all sides, except the southern, which is delimited by a highway. The hierarchy of roads in Delft is freeways, highways, main roads, and local roads. The railway line cuts across the city, running in the north-south direction from the centre of the city. A main road and a highway are the main linkages between the two freeways on the either side of the railway line. 2 Transport Problem in Delft The railway line passing through Delft is a component of one of the principal railway connections in the Netherlands, connecting Rotterdam and The Hague. The existing 2-track railway line is insufficient, and it has been planned to be upgraded to a 4-track line. However, due to lack of space to build another viaduct, and environmental problems caused by the railway line, it has been proposed to rebuild the railway line in a tunnel. 2020 is envisaged to be a typical year while the construction is in operation. Thus, Links 10486, 9873, and 9827 will be blocked for all traffic. Due to the detours which would result due to the blocked links, cyclists and cars would have to deal with increased travel times. It is anticipated that Mercuriusweg/Abtwoudse Pad or the Ruys de Berenbrouckstraat links would be used in lieu of the blocked links (Chen 2009). 3 Description of Current scenario and Alternate Scenarios 3.1 Description of the Current Situation 2003 Zones 1-7 are the external zones, whereas the rest of the zones are considered as the internal zones. The internal zones are the primary areas of concern. It has also been given that in 2003, zones 23, 24, and 25 are still under development and there is no travel demand from and to these zones (Chen 2009). 3.2 Description of the Zero-Alternative Situation 2020 By 2020, zones 24 and 25 will have been completely developed. However, Zone 23 would still not have been developed. Infrastructure has been upgraded accordingly to connect zones 24 and 25 with the rest of the city. Zone 12 remains the highest trip generating and trip attracting internal zone, as does Zone 1 amongst the external zones. 3.3 Description of Future Situation during Construction 2020 Considering the future scenario for the city of Delft in 2020 during the expansion of the rail line from 2-track to 4-track, it shall be assumed that this project will be in progress and 2020 will be a typical year. It has been given that during the expansion, Links 10486, 9873, and 9827 will be blocked (Chen 2009). The trip generation remains the same as for the zero-alternate scenario for 2020. 4 Modelling for Current Situation 2003 4.1 Trip Generation For performing the trip generation modelling function, the Zonal-based Multiple Regression model has been employed. It takes into account the linear relationships of the socio-economic characteristics of the households in the zones, which affects the trips produced and attracted for each zone (Ortà ºzar and Willumsen 1999). The following functions have been used for the trip generating model in the case of internal zones: Pi = 0.3RESIDENTSi + 0.06JOBSi + 0.03RESEARCHi + 0.03EDUCATIONi Ai = 0.05RESIDENTSi + 0.75JOBSi + 0.3RESEARCHi + 0.3EDUCATIONi Where Pi = production of zone i, Ai = attraction of zone i, RESIDENTSi = number of residents in zone i, JOBSi = number of jobs in zone i, RESEARCHi = research facility space in zone i, EDUCATIONi = amount of educational services offered in zone i. Source: Chen 2009 For the case of external zones, the numbers of trips generated and attracted have been assessed based on the traffic volume counts. These are as indicated in Appendix 1. For the internal zones, it can be seen that the variable of the number of residents living in each zone is the most dominant one affecting the number of trips produced. The variables which are most dominant for trip attraction are number of jobs, and the research facility space in that particular zone respectively. Appendix 2 indicates the trip generation for 2003, including both the internal as well as the external zones. 2003 histogram.JPGFigure 4-1: Productions and Attractions for the Current Scenario 2003 It can be seen from the Appendix 2 and figure 4-1, Zone 12 is the largest trip generator and attracting external zone. Zone 1 is the highest trip generating and attracting internal zone. 4.2 Trip Distribution and Modal Split The Gravity Model has been employed to generate the trip distribution model. This model is a type of Synthetic Model as â€Å"it estimates trips for each cell in the matrix without directly using the observed trip pattern† (Ortà ºzar and Willumsen 1999 p.159). There are three variants for the Gravity Model function, namely: Exponential Function: f(cij) = exp (-ßcij) Power Function: f(cij) = cij-n Combined Function: cnij exp(-ßcij) Singly constrained versions, in this case destination-constrained, can be produced by making Ai equal to 1, i.e. Ai = 1 and Bj= 1/?iDif(cij) The Combined Function variation of the Gravity Model is the most superior one, as it is the best fit with the actual observed values for trip length distributions of cars (Ortà ºzar and Willumsen 1999). OmniTRANS performs simultaneous modal split, for which the gravity model can be extended to the â€Å"simultaneous gravity model† which is given by: Tijv=p.Qi.Xj.Fv(zijv) Where Tijv= Number of trips from zone I to j via mode v p= Scaling factor Xj= Column Balancing Factor Fv(zijv)= Distribution function taking into account the willingness to travel by mode v given impedance z Appendix 4 indicates the traffic distribution of cars in Delft. 44566 cars have been distributed. As can be seen in Appendix 5, 8635 cyclists have been distributed the entire network of Delft. The modal split indicates that 83.77 percent of the traffic is constituted by cars and 16.23 percent by bicycles. The trip length distribution function for cars can be seen in figure 4-2. This indicates the willingness to travel to a certain distance without any impendence, such as congestion. Hence, in this case the maximum uncongested distance travelled is 10 km. Similarly, figure 4-3 indicates the trip length distribution for bicycles, which experiences its peak at 3 km. The trip time distributions for cars and bicycles have been indicated in Figure 4-4 and Figure 4-5 respectively. These functions, too, follow a similar pattern as that of the Trip Length Distribution. In the case of cars and bicycles, both, the peak is of 12 minutes. The mean trip distance for bicycles is 3.14 km and the mean trip time is 14.22 minutes. Similarly, for cars, the mean distance is 7.59 km and time is 11.12 minutes. Intra-zonal car trips constitute only about 0.57 percent of the total number of trips made by cars, and those made by bicycles constitute about 16.55 percent of the total number of bicycle trips. 4.3 Traffic Assignment Assignment for Cars The General Equilibrium technique of traffic assignment has been used for cars. The condition as given by Wardrop is that â€Å"Under equilibrium conditions, traffic arranges itself in congested networks in such a way that no individual trip maker can reduce his path costs by switching routes† (Ortà ºzar and Willumsen 1999 p.303). Under this traffic assignment model, costs are all perceived in the same way by the trip makers, and hence Stochastic effects are not considered. The following links have the largest traffic flow (for a single direction) of about 7064 cars assigned: 10972, 10973, 11289, 11427, 11428, and 11477. Figure 4-6 represents the traffic assignment for cars in 2003. The colours of the bands, in the graph, indicate the V/C Ratio and the width indicates the traffic load. It reflects that the main road, the east and west freeways crossing the railway are suffering from V/C ratios greater than 1, which requires attention. Assignment for Bicycles The Stochastic Method has been employed for the traffic assignment model for bicycles. This method is superior to the All-Or-Nothing Method, as it takes into account the diversity in the road users perceptions of distance, travel time, generalised costs; and thus considers alternate routes to the best-route choice, given by the All-Or-Nothing technique. This is a suitable model for the traffic assignment of bicycles as this technique does not take into account the congestion effects, which is not calculable since capacities for bicycles are not specified. Link 10850 has been assigned the maximum number of bicycle trips for a single direction, which is 941 trips. Figure 4-7 represents the assignment of bicycles in 2003. Most of the trips are confined to the internal zones. 5 Modelling for Future Situation 2020 The modelling stages for the future scenarios of 2020 will remain the same till the Traffic Assignment Stage, which would differ based on the blocked links for the future construction scenario of 2020. 5.1 Trip Generation The Zonal-based Multiple Regression model has been employed. The functions are the same as those for 2003. However, forecasts for the number of residents, jobs, and the research facility space and education building space in 2020 are different from the current year. Also, it has been given that the productions and attractions generated by the external zones is to be assumed to grow by 15 percent from 2020 to 2003 (Chen 2009). The above figure 5-1 illustrates that Zone 1 still remains the highest trip production and attraction external zone; and Zone 12 continues to remain the highest trip producing and attracting internal zone. The same is reflected through Appendix 3. 5.2 Trip Distribution and Modal Split The Gravity Model has been employed for the trip distribution. A total of about 54380 cars have been distributed, and about 10413 bicycles. The modal split for 2020 demonstrates that about 83.5 percent of the trips would be by cars, and the remaining 16.5 percent by bicycles. For cars, the intra-zonal trips constitute about 0.54 percent, whereas for the bicycles, intra-zonal trips constitute about 15.71 percent of the trips. Trip length distribution function (indicated in Figure 5-2 and 5-3) and the trip time distribution functions (indicated in Figure 5-4 and 5-5) have been generated. The maximum uncongested distance remains the same for both cars and bicycles, as in 2003, as also the maximum uncongested time in the case for cars. For bicycles, the maximum time has reduced to 8 minutes. The mean trip distance for bicycles is 3.26 km and the mean time is 14.75 minutes. Similarly, for cars, the mean distance is 7.56 km and time is 11 minutes. 5.3 Traffic Assignment for Zero-Alternative Situation 5.3.1 Traffic Assignment for Cars The General Equilibrium model has been employed. The following links have the maximum numbers of cars assigned, i.e. about 8346 cars, to them for one direction: Links 10972, 10973, 11289, 11427, 11428, 11477, and 11478. Figure 5-6 represents the assignment for cars. The colours of the bands, in the graph, indicate the V/C Ratio and the width indicates the load of traffic. The freeways continue to have high V/C ratios, as well as the main roads crossing the railway. 5.3.2 Traffic Assignment for Bicycles For the traffic assignment modelling for bicycles, the Stochastic Method has been used again. Link 10850 has been assigned the maximum number of bicycle trips (114 trips). Figure 5-7 represents the bicycle assignment. 5.4 Traffic Assignment for Future Construction Situation In the future situation during construction, the decision to upgrade the railways from two tracks to four tracks has been made. This would result in the closing of Links 9827, 9873, and 10486. 5.4.1 Traffic Assignment for Cars It has been calculated that links 11283, 11407, 11463, and 11464 have the maximum load, of 10723 cars in one direction. Figure 5-8 represents the car assignment considering future construction. The cross-railway link south of zone 17 experiences a greater load, whereby there is a reduction in the northern cross-link. 5.4.2 Traffic Assignment for Bicycles The Stochastic model employed for assigning the bicycle traffic that Link 10452 the maximum load, in one direction, of 1446.54 bicycles. Figure 5-9 represents the assignment for bicycles. 6 Analysis 6.1 Trip Generation Amongst the internal zones, which are of primary concern, Zone 12 is the zone which remains the highest trip producing and attracting zone. This is supported by the fact that Zone 12 has the highest number of residents living in it, and the maximum number of jobs existing in this zone. This zone is located at the heart of the city, adjacent to the railway line and the main road connecting the two freeways. All the internal zones have experienced a growth rate for the number of trips generated and produced by about 11 percent. Zone 1 also remains the highest trip producing and attracting external zone. This may be accounted by the fact that Zone 1 is directly connected to Delft by the railway line, and thus could perhaps be an important junction or location. 6.2 Trip Distribution and Modal Split The trip distribution can be reflected through the study of the matrices given in Appendix 4 to 7. For 2003, the maximum number of car trips has been of the nature Internal-to-External, with the most dominant one being from Zone 15 to Zone 1. This has not changed for 2020. For 2003 and 2020, the most dominant character of bicycle trips is Internal-to-Internal, with maximum trips being made within Zone 12. This is as should be expected, since long distance travel by bicycles is not likely to be made except in rare circumstances. The maximum number of bicycle trips may also be attributed to the fact that Zone 12 is the Delft City Centre. The maximum growth (4.8 times) for car trips has been seen for the pair Zone 7-Zone 1, and the maximum for bicycles (0.15 times) has been for the pair Zone 5-Zone 12. On studying the zone-to-zone average travel distance and time, it can be seen from Appendix 8 and 9 that the maximum increase for trip distance has been from zone 7 to 15 (46.86 percent) and maximum increase in time has been for the pair zone 18 to 22 (48.67 percent). The maximum increase (48.78 percent) in cost has been experienced for zone 11 to 22. The modal split indicates a marginal change from 2003 to 2005, whereby there is a decrease from approximately 83.77 to 83.5 percent for cars. Intra-zonal trips made in 2020 have experienced a fall from 2003. This may indicate greater travel distances and time, and thus greater generalized costs in the future. 6.3 Traffic Assignment On comparing the figures indicating the traffic assignments for the three scenarios, it can be seen that the maximum car trips load remains on the freeways defining Delft on the eastern and western sides. The main difference can be seen between the zero-alternative and construction situation for 2020. Due to the blocked links, car traffic has been assigned to the links 1164, 11645, and Westvest-Hooikade particularly have experienced a significant increase, whereas the Westlandseweg links have experienced a decrease in the load of trips. Also, as was expected, there was an increased use of the Ruys-de-Berenbrouckstraat, and Abtwoudse links. However, the Mercuriusweg saw a decrease in the traffic load as compared to the zero-alternative scenario, which goes against as was anticipated. In the case of assigned bicycle trips, due to the blocked links, the Hof-van-Delftlaan link has seen a substantial increase in the traffic load. The share of the railway crossing traffic has been seen to change for all the three scenarios. This has been indicated in figure 6-1. There is a decrease in the share from 2003 to the Zero-Alternative scenario. However, comparing the future construction scenario with the Zero-Alternative, there has been an increase in the share, for both cars and bicycles. 7 Conclusions Zones 1 and 12 being of prime importance, also supported by their connectivity will continue to dominate as the zones attracting and generating the maximum traffic. Since maximum bicycle traffic load is concentrated in Zone 12, measures may be taken to restrict the entry of cars in this area so as to ensure a more safe environment, which would even benefit the households, as the maximum percentage are located in this zone. Increased generalised costs must be taken into account, based on the above analysis. Links which are experiencing greater traffic loads due to construction works have been identified, and relief measures for these should be planned, particularly for the freeways on the eastern and western side of the city. 8 Strengths and Weaknesses of OmniTRANS The strength of OmniTRANS is that it helps in the rapid and accurate transport modeling procedures. Also, the data can be very easily examined on the transport network map, rather than just being confined to tables and numbers, which makes analysis tedious. Also, a number of variables can be studied, which can be further sorted out based on the direction for any particular link. The weaknesses could be cited as only being able to employ the use of the Simultaneous Gravity Model being available for trip distribution stage. Also, only limited types of traffic assignment models can be performed (such as Stochastic, All-or-Nothing, and Equilibrium). Public transport modelling is also not performed by the software (OmniTRANS 2009). References CHEN, H. 2009. Handout: Coursework Description, lecture notes distributed in TRAN5020 Principles of Transport Modelling. University of Leeds, 3 November 2009. OMNITRANS. 2009. Whats New in OT5 [online]. [Accessed on 1st December 2009]. Available from ORTÚZAR, J. WILLUMSEN, L.G. 1999. Modelling Transport. West Sussex: Wiley. WIKIPEDIA. 2009a. Delft [online]. [Accessed on 10 November 2009]. Available from: WIKIPEDIA. 2009b. Delft University of Technology [online]. [Accessed on 10 November 2009]. Available from:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Symbolism of Albrecht Durer Essays -- Master Engravings Art Essays

Symbolism of Albrecht Durer Albrecht Durer completed the â€Å"Master Engravings† in the years 1513 and 1514. With these three engravings (Knight, Death, and Devil, St. Jerome in His Study, and Melencolia I) he reached the high point of his artistic expression and concentration. each print represents a different philosophical perspective on the â€Å"worlds† respectively of action, spirit, and intellect. Although Durer himself evidently did not think of the three as a set, He sometimes sold or gave St. Jerome and Melencolia I as a pair. In the engraving, Knight, Death, and Devil, it appears that the hero (the Knight) is gaining a moral victory over death. The Knight has often been interpreted as Erasmus’s sturdy Christian soldier who scoffs at death and the devil as he goes about God’s work in his journey through life. The conception of the ‘Christian soldier’ embodies and ideal of manly virtue which the traditional instincts of the Germanic race, German mysticism and Northern versions of Renaissance ideals all contributed to form. The Horse is represented in full profile as to show off it’s perfect proportions; it is forcefully modeled so as to give its perfect anatomy and it moves with regulated step of the riding school so as to give demonstration of perfect rhythm. The fact that a beautiful setter is running by the side of the horse completes the picture of the Christian man as known to the Late Middle Ages – the man who armed with faith and accompanied by religious zeal, symbolized by the faithful hound goes on his way along the narrow path of earthly life menaced by Death and the Devil. From the gloom of this â€Å"rough and dreary scenery there emerge Death and the Devil. Death wears a regal crown and is mounted on... them away together and that collectors looked at and discussed them side by side. No less than six copies were disposed of as pairs while only one copy of the Melancolia I was given singly and no impression of the Knight, Death and Devil changed hands together with either of the two other prints. In the years 1513 and 1514, Albrecht Durer completed what is now known together as the â€Å"Master Engravings,† Knight, Death, and Devil; St. Jerome in His Study; and Melencolia I. In general each print represents a different philosophical perspective on the â€Å"worlds respectively, of action, spirit and intellect. Bibliography Panofsky, Edwin. The Life and Art of Albrecht Durer. 4th ed. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1955. Waetzoldt, Willhelm. Durer and His Times. translated by R.H. Boothroyd. London: Phaidon Press Ltd, 1950.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

American Cancer Society Essay

Am I a patient, no. Am I a survivor, no. I am someone who has seen cancer through the eyes of others. An uncontrolled division of abnormal cells creates the cancer within the body (â€Å"What is Cancer†). More than 1 million people in the United States are diagnosed with cancer each year (â€Å"Learn about Cancer†). An estimated 10,450 new cases and 1,350 cancer deaths are expected to occur among children in 2014 (â€Å"What are the key statistics†). The American Cancer Society is one of the greatest resources to turn to when cancer strikes. The American Cancer Society was founded in 1913 to raise the public’s awareness about cancer (â€Å"The Early Years†). With millions of supporters, the American Cancer Society saves lives and works to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. They do this by helping people stay well, get well, by helping support the findings of cures, and fighting back against the disease (â€Å"Who We Are†). It is imperative to fund basic research with the American Cancer Society because it saves lives. The American Cancer Society strives to help our society stay healthy by helping people take the necessary steps to prevent cancer or detect it early. Through the American Cancer Society Clinical Trials Matching Service, patients are connected with more than 64,000 different treatment options. Also provided is an online support community for cancer survivors and caregivers that have brought together more than 93,000 people since 2000 (â€Å"Online Communities and Support†). The American Cancer Society acquires results by investing in research that helps to understand cancer causes, determine how to prevent it, and discover new ways to cure it (â€Å"Explore Research†). The American Cancer Society has several fundraising methods. The main fundraiser The American Cancer Society holds is a walk called the Relay for Life. This event takes place across the globe in different communities to honor cancer survivors, remember loved ones, and fight back against this detrimental disease. The Relay for Life has varying meaning to different people, but we all want the same result, a cure for cancer. We walk, we talk, we cry, we laugh, we learn, we love, and we hope. Today there are nearly 14 million cancer survivors, and with the money raised, the number of survivors will continue to rise (â€Å"What is Relay For Life†). Personally, my family has been involved in American Cancer Society fundraisers for the past several years. Not only has our family been able to raise money for the cancer society, but we have also entered races and walks for the cure. Cancer affects every individual and family in a different way physically and emotionally. Whether you are joining the fight to end cancer for a family member, or a friend everyone has personal reasons for taking action. What we all share is the belief that we can end this terrible disease if we work together. The donations, long-term involvement, and healthy choices of our society, have helped contribute to a 20% drop in death rates from cancer since the early 1990s (McDaniel np). The American Cancer Society is continually working hard to lower the death rate, and while the disease still claims 1,500 lives a day in the United States, change can be made by speaking out (â€Å"Cancer Facts and Figures 2013). Donating, signing up for a local fundraising e vent, helping fund the next research breakthrough, or spreading the word to friends and family are all ways society can join the fight against cancer. The American Cancer Society also helps families by helping them understand and cope with the fact that diseases such as cancer can occur at anytime, and in any age group. Cancer brings families together in though times, and the importance of life is soon realized. The American Cancer Society has helped save these lives and has brought families together and continues to do so today. Cancer does not define us but how we chose to cope with it does. Every one needs to involve as many people as we can to raise money for research and education. There is a passionate aggression in each of us as we are fighting to save more lives. The American Cancer Society would not exist without fundraisers and donations. Advocates are imperative for the support and fundraising of the American Cancer Society. Without it, individuals around the world would continue to get cancer and not know what to do about it. Without the research and effort The American Cancer Society puts in patients would get no where, have a lack of education, not know what to do when they get it, and most importantly never have a cure to cancer. We need the American Cancer Society and they need our support. So let’s finish the fight and  donate today! Works Cited American Cancer Society. American Cancer Society Inc., 2014. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. . Cancer Action Network. American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Inc., 2014. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. . McDaniel, Justine. â€Å"Cancer Society, Researchers Look Back on Decades’ Worth of Progress†¦Ã¢â‚¬  McClatchy Washington DC News Bureau. 07 Oct. 2013: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. Relay for Life. American Cancer Society Inc., 2014. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Becoming a Captain

The Cheerleading Captain plays a very important role on the team. The captain’s experience, attitude, and ability to effectively communicate information effects the team’s success. I believe that I would make a great captain because I possess all of these skills. I am an experienced cheerleader. I have been on the Varsity team for two years. You have taught me what it takes to be on a winning team. It takes hard work, perseverance, never quitting, and a lot of practice. This is invaluable experience for a captain. Also, I have had the privilege of serving as co-captain this past season.This has given me confidence in calling cheers and taught me how to get the whole team’s attention. I have represented Cheer in multiple news interviews. I did not feel very comfortable doing the interviews at first, but this experience has thought me how to represent our squad to the community. Lastly, my two years of cheer combined with four years of all-star competitive cheer ha s allowed me to acquire a solid stunting skill set. I am an excellent second base, and I know how to help other bases in a stunt group so that the flyer can have a stable transition.This knowledge and experience will allow me to teach others if needed. Should you select me as captain I will continue to work on my skills because a captain leads by example. A positive attitude is absolutely required from a captain. And, I have a positive attitude. I will confess there are mornings when I am tired or my body is sore but I show up at the gym on time and begin rolling out the mats, and never complain. This is important because if one person has a negative attitude about something it seems to spread like a virus.A positive leadership attitude is essential to correcting others and motiving those who are slacking. I feel comfortable calling a team member out and telling them what they do not want to hear (but need to hear) if that is what it takes to make our squad better. And, I am quick t o compliment and encourage teammates when I see them doing something good. I have a positive leadership attitude and others respect me because not only do I lead, but I also work just as hard to correct myself when needed. Effective communication skills are essential for a captain.I am organized and detailed which are two necessary characteristics for a good communicator. These are natural characteristics for me that would make it easy as a captain to communicate information to all my team members. Timely and correct information is vital when there are scheduling, uniform, and/or time changes, etc. You and I have a good relationship and communicate well with each other, this will allow us to easily work together. I am good at both text messaging and emailing. No team member would have the excuse of having the wrong information if I was captain.If you select me your Varsity Cheer Captain, I will never think or act like I am above your rules or any of the policies or procedures of â⠂¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ High School. I will be a positive role model for the team. I will continue to work on my skills because a captain is not exempt from needing to improve as a competitor. I will demonstrate my experience, positive attitude and effective communication skills if chosen as caption. I am confident, loud, full of energy, and I will make you proud if you chose me.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Impact of WWII on Native Americans and blacks essays

The Impact of WWII on Native Americans and blacks essays World War Two changed the lives of millions of people throughout the world. Never before had warfare taken such a toll on humanity. For most, this war was a horrible event that did nothing but take the lives of loved ones. Nothing good could have came from such carnage. Or could it? One thing that people have learned through the generations is that in order for things to get better, they often have to get worse first. People were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the betterment of their culture. In the cases of Native Americans and African Americans, the war proved to be a stage in which they could prove themselves to the world, and try to fight for a better life. African Americans and Native Americans had vastly different experiences during the war. A large majority of Indians made a smooth transition into the military, joining non-segregated units, unlike blacks who still had to obey local Jim Crow laws. Indians were often openly embraced by their white counterparts, and were indiscriminately called Chief by their buddies. Some would think this as a derogatory term, but the Indians took it as a positive reference to their ancestors who had been great warriors. Many whites wanted to fight alongside the Indians, for as the American Legion Magazine put it: The red soldier is tough. Usually he has lived outdoors all his life, and lived by his senses; he is a natural Ranger. He takes to fighting with gusto. Why not? His ancestors invented it.... At ambushing, scouting, signaling sniping, theyre peerless. Some can smell a snake yards away and hear the faintest movement; all endure thirst and lack of food better that average. Indians had been stereotyped for generations, and it was hard to distinguish whether or not these observations had been stereotyped as well. It is known that the Indians tried to live up to these expectations, and often exceeded them. They were integrated into the militar...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Jean Toomer

of Jean Toomer, a writer and philosopher. Toomer’s life was consumed by an undying search for spiritual wholeness. He hated for things to be categorized and separated because of the certain characteristics of this group or item. His whole life was driven at being different from everyone else. He wrote poetry, novels, and short stories; and through his life he faced many trials and tribulations.(McKay) Nathan Eugene Toomer was born December 26, 1894, in Pennsylvania, to Nathan Toomer and Nina Pinchback. Nathan Toomer, Jean’s father, was twenty-seven years-older than Nina Pinchback, and Nina’s father, P.B.S. Pinchback, believed that he was not a suitable husband for his daughter. He believed Nathan Toomer was unreliable and an unscrupulous businessman; however, Pinchback did not prevent the marriage of his daughter to this man. Three months after the wedding Nathan Toomer left pregnant bride and did not return until three days before the birth of his son, Nathan Pinchback Toomer. Six weeks after his birth Toomer left again for several months and then returned; finally, in October 1895 he disappeared for good leaving Nina and his son without financial support. This caused Nina to move back to Washington D.C. and live with her parents in 1896. Her father was a strong political figure in the Reconstruction era, so they had the money to support them. They lived the re from 1896 to 1906, and perhaps to escape the conflicts between her parents and her; she remarried. They moved to Brooklyn and then to New Rochelle; it was here that Jean found the library and his love for reading. He also loved the outdoors because it gave him solitude. Jean enjoyed craving, bicycling, swimming, fishing, and sailing. It was in a sailboat that his stepfather gave ... Free Essays on Jean Toomer Free Essays on Jean Toomer Jean Toomer (1894-1967) â€Å"I am of no particular race. I am of the human race, a man at large in the human world, preparing a new race.†(Wagner) These are the famous words of Jean Toomer, a writer and philosopher. Toomer’s life was consumed by an undying search for spiritual wholeness. He hated for things to be categorized and separated because of the certain characteristics of this group or item. His whole life was driven at being different from everyone else. He wrote poetry, novels, and short stories; and through his life he faced many trials and tribulations.(McKay) Nathan Eugene Toomer was born December 26, 1894, in Pennsylvania, to Nathan Toomer and Nina Pinchback. Nathan Toomer, Jean’s father, was twenty-seven years-older than Nina Pinchback, and Nina’s father, P.B.S. Pinchback, believed that he was not a suitable husband for his daughter. He believed Nathan Toomer was unreliable and an unscrupulous businessman; however, Pinchback did not prevent the marriage of his daughter to this man. Three months after the wedding Nathan Toomer left pregnant bride and did not return until three days before the birth of his son, Nathan Pinchback Toomer. Six weeks after his birth Toomer left again for several months and then returned; finally, in October 1895 he disappeared for good leaving Nina and his son without financial support. This caused Nina to move back to Washington D.C. and live with her parents in 1896. Her father was a strong political figure in the Reconstruction era, so they had the money to support them. They lived the re from 1896 to 1906, and perhaps to escape the conflicts between her parents and her; she remarried. They moved to Brooklyn and then to New Rochelle; it was here that Jean found the library and his love for reading. He also loved the outdoors because it gave him solitude. Jean enjoyed craving, bicycling, swimming, fishing, and sailing. It was in a sailboat that his stepfather gave ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

9 Hilarious Office Pranks to Pull On Your Coworkers

9 Hilarious Office Pranks to Pull On Your Coworkers Brace yourself:  Blood will be spilled, tears will be shed, and friendships will be broken after you pull these 9 hilarious office pranks on your co-workers. You will get fired. You have been warned.1. Tamper with the Foosball tablevia []Sneak into your office at night while no one is there and super glue the parts  of one side so theyre no longer useable. Sit back and watch your co-workers faces light up with pure rage as you score one goal after another. For further enjoyment, score a goal every time they tell you to stop. Whats that? Stop? Boom! Gooooooal. As a side note, if your place of employment doesnt have a Foosball table, why are you even still working there?2. Impersonate one of your coworkersvia []Make sure to get a similar haircut, and practice your mannerisms. When you come in for work in the morning, sit next to them and proceed to mock them. Depending on their sense of humor, theyll either have a good laugh or grow increasingly frustrated. Hopefu lly its the latter. That way, you can absorb their hatred and anger to sustain your youth.3.   Distort realityvia []When your co-worker comes in, give a confused look  and ask why he or she is there. When they ask you what youre talking about, point to their replacement (who also happens to be a dog dressed in a suit) and mention that they were fired two weeks ago. This prank requires more than just one person on board, but if done correctly, sit back and watch as your co-worker contemplates whether or not theyve just stepped into an episode of the Twilight Zone.4. Act like an assholevia []Okay, Ill admit, this one isnt very creative- but lets be honest, there isnt anything more infuriating to someone than a troll. Pretending to be an asshole is probably the fastest way to get yourself fired, but hey, if youve got nothing to lose, run up behind your co-worker and slap their cup of coffee right out of their hand. If youre feeling especially brave, feel free to g ive them a wedgie or   noogie, or hell- you can do both at the same time.  Come here, nerd!5. Pretend youre possessedvia []Crawl into the office on your back, while chanting the Spongebob Squarepants theme song in a  dark and ominous tone. Bonus points if you can rotate your head 360 degrees.6. Come in dressed as  a zombievia []Possession not your thing? Perhaps youve already scared the shit out of everyone using prank number 5? If so, then its time to dust off your old Halloween costume and have some fun. Hide inside of the fridge or closet and wait for someone to open the door. All those makeup tutorials youve watched on YouTube are finally paying off!7. Fake your death, then resurrect yourselfvia []Have one of your friends call  the office to  let everyone know the bad news- you were hit by an ice cream truck and now are dead. Invite everyone to your funeral; although, after all the pranks youve pulled, its likely no one will show up. The da y of your funeral arrives and everyone is sad and reminiscing about all the good times theyve spent with you, allegedly. As everyone is paying their respects, pop out of your coffin wearing a terrifying mask and lunge at everyone, foaming at the mouth.8. Post pictures of your face everywherevia []Photoshop your face onto the body of a Greek god and print out thousands of copies. Toss them around the office and hang them all over the walls, fridge, and co-workers computers. As an added bonus, send mass emails to everyone in the office of your face photoshopped onto their personal photos.9. Broadcast your mixtapevia []Youve been slaving away in the streets trying to drop the hottest mixtape of 2015 and now its time to share it with the office. Sneak your way into the control room and broadcast it over the intercom to the entire office. Watch as everyone evacuates the office  out of sheer terror.Well there you have it, folks! Be sure to pull these 9 pranks around th e office and you will be on the fast track to becoming the funniest unemployed prankster of all time!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Perry v. New Hampshire Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Perry v. New Hampshire - Term Paper Example The paper tells that the purpose of the criminal law in the US is to exactly give a fair trial for every person who will be or charged with criminal offenses. This has to be secured by the Sixth Amendment allowing defendants to have access to his or her right to counsel, secure defense witnesses and cross-examine the prosecutions. The jurisdiction of the criminal law is thus so strong in the case of Perry v New Hampshire because it ensures both the defendant and prosecutor the ability to provide their evidences as this is the ultimate way to deal with both parties a reasonably fair or unbiased procedure in the proceedings of the case. However, the criminal law is careful with accepting evidences. Thus, its power should not be undermined with suggestive circumstances such as found in the case of Perry v New Hampshire. Any form of involvement of an individual in the crime will make him or her culpable for it, the essence of accomplice liability. Involvement may be in a form of intentio nal sharing of information, advices, encouragement and so on. The very point of these actions is to provide something that will aid for the initiation of the crime. In the case of Perry v. New Hampshire, the former tried to amend the verdict of the state because of his right or privilege to amend. After the amendment, Perry was able to prove that the identification of him in the crime was tainted because of suggestive circumstances. Whoever intentionally included Perry in the crime must be able to find his accomplice and use him or her in court in order to counteract the defendant’s subject of amendment.... The very point of these actions is to provide something that will aid for the initiation of the crime. In the case of Perry v. New Hampshire, the former tried to amend the verdict of the state because of his right or privilege to amend. After the amendment, Perry was able to prove that the identification of him in the crime was tainted because of suggestive circumstances. Whoever intentionally included Perry in the crime must be able to find his accomplice and use him or her in court in order to counteract the defendant’s subject of amendment. For this reason, accomplice liability is a strong factor to weaken the defense of Perry because of the accountability of the said person due to his or her knowledge about the whole crime with the actual perpetuator. However, regarding this, Perry could potentially find another case source and that would be the case of Simmons v. United States, 390 US 377, 384 (1968). He could potentially expound this leading to proving that eyewitnesses or even the accomplice the possibility of being made under suggestive circumstances. Criminal liability refers to the responsibility of an act to harm the society which could be prosecuted by the government. The case of Perry is subject of government’s prosecution. However, the government did not eliminate his right to amend the initial verdict and so the Supreme Court would be the last to interpret his entire case. In this amendment, Perry had the privilege to counteract the claimed act against him to harm the society that is subject of government’s prosecution. Since proven not guilty, Perry therefore should not be obliged to carry a criminal liability. Various elements in crimes Actus reus means guilty act, or the actual element of the crime and this has to be proven beyond reasonable

Friday, October 18, 2019

Finance Problems Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Finance Problems - Speech or Presentation Example A14. (Stock valuation) Suppose Toyota has nonmaturing (perpetual) preferred stock outstanding that pays a $1.00 quarterly dividend and has a required return of 12% APR (3% per quarter). What is the stock worth? By looking at the table and the percentage of increases and decreases among the 3 types of bonds, it is apparent that the interest-rate risk is higher for longer versus shorter bonds. The longer ones are more volatile, which signifies the level of risk for the investor. Bond 3 has the highest volatility among the three. Because the payment to be received would only amount to 150, the future value of the investment only amounts to 150. The number of periods is 3.5 years. Because the coupon rate at 1000 face value is 9.5%, the investor receives 95 in interest payments. Therefore, the expected rate of return amounts to -1.34%. If the company can pay the principal in the end of the contract, the future value would amount to 1,000. Then the number of years in which interest is paid is 10 years, providing an expected rate of return of 22.42%. In order to compute for the value of the stock, all the dividend payment should be discounted back to the present, as well as the terminal price. Therefore, the dividend in year 2 is discounted using the hurdle rate of 13% for two years. This amounts to 0.78. Then the terminal price is determined using the dividend growth model, where the dividend in year 3, which has grown by 6% to 1.06, is divided by the difference between the hurdle rate and the growth rate. Thus, the terminal price of the stock is 15.14. But this is the price at year 3. It has to be discounted back to the present using the hurdle rate of 13%. Thus, the present value of the terminal price is 11.86. In order to get the final value, the present value of the dividend should be added to the terminal price which amounts to 12.64. This will be James valuation. On the other hand, for Bret, the same procedure should be utilized. In order to compute for the

Medical Law and Ethics and How We Use it in our Day to Day Tasks at Essay

Medical Law and Ethics and How We Use it in our Day to Day Tasks at Hospitals and or Radiology Sites - Essay Example Thus the Laws of Medical care ought to be use there. The uses of these Laws straighten relationships between doctors and patients, especially in the Radiology department where human being diseases is diagnosed. However, this development has in no small measure has caused d policy makers, doctors, and lawyers at national and international level a tremendous challenge of teaching medical students on legal and non-legal health care process with ethical background. In a Hospital and Medical health care centers, being a Radiology site or any department, doctors and other health workers are bound to these Medical Laws, while they are expected to treat patients according to these ethics. First, they should stick to the confidentiality; in no circumstances they must not reveal the health condition of patients. They most adapt to the Law that the health condition is only the patients own personal problem. "We are also required by Law to protect the privacy of your protected health information and to provide you with notice of these legal duties. This notice explains how, when and why we typically use and disclose health information and your privacy rights regarding your health information". (HIPAA Notice for the Medical Center). Additionally Law has made it incumbent upon health care pr... The forefront duties of doctors and other health care personnel's should adapt to the uses of Medical (Health) Laws. First, they should stick to the confidentiality; in no circumstances they must not reveal the health condition of patients. They most adapt to the Law that the health condition is only the patients own personal problem. Doctors and other health worker always should ensure the protection of patient's disease record, by only informing the victim about the right to enquire about his condition. "We are also required by Law to protect the privacy of your protected health information and to provide you with notice of these legal duties. This notice explains how, when and why we typically use and disclose health information and your privacy rights regarding your health information". (HIPAA Notice for the Medical Center). Additionally Law has made it incumbent upon health care provider to keep record of health status of patients. The essence of this is for the provision of quality care now and in the near future, or for as long as possible. However, there are certain circumstances which Medical Law has given mandate for doctors to disclose the state of health information especially in the Radiology site of Hospital, which include treatment. They can give the state of health condition of a patient to specialist, and other necessary agents. This is to ensure the speedy recovery of a patient. In Radiology site, Law has allowed them to disclose the state of health of patient directly to him in request for payment of bills, including insurance and other companies that the patients receives treatments. Medical Law also allows the Radiology

Racism and Hooliganism in English Football Coursework

Racism and Hooliganism in English Football - Coursework Example A questionnaire to assess the perception of racism in football was distributed to football clubs and their spectators in the North East of England, and 10% of these questionnaires were returned. The results of this research seem to demonstrate that racism has little influence and plays a minimal role in the production of hooliganism within English professional football at least as a simple causal agent. Racism - the theory that people of one race are superior to another race, and this theory often results in hostility towards the supposed inferior race, and practices of discrimination (Williams 1991). Hooliganism - Although the exact definition of hooligans is rather open-ended, it can be characterised as violence toward opposing fans, players, and referee's or destruction of objects inside or around the stadium. Violent incidents that occur following a game that fans perpetrate is also often considered acts of hooliganism (University of Leicester 2002). Professional football in England still suffers from incidents, trends and traditions which suggest that racism is very much a part of the game. For instance, comments by individuals involved in playing, managing and mediating football in England are suggestive of an acceptability of racism in and around the game (Metro 2007). This has largely been attributed to Britain's colonial past, where it was common place for racial stereotypes to prevail (University of Leicester 2002). Whilst most of this racism has been targeted towards black players, it is also affecting England's reputation for international matches with its European counterparts (University of Leicester 2002, Giulianotti and Armstrong 2003, Spaaij 2006). The fact that black players and white, but foreign, players are the subject of racist comments shows the at the term "racist" is not as simple as it might at least superficially seem. The black players may be targeted because of their "blackness", while the other foreign players are targeted for their "foreignness": but "black" and "foreign" are not synonymous. Some black players are targeted for racist comments by supposedly 'friendly' supporters, i.e. supporters of the team that the black player is playing on. Added to this mix is the element of "hooliganism" in which the hurling of racial epithets from one group of supporters to another is often the precursor to violence, then a complex situation arises. This situation has further been exploited by right wing groups who use football grounds to distribute their paraphernalia; examples include the 1982 World Cup Finals, where right wing organisers were actively recruiting sympathisers, before and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Problem identification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Problem identification - Essay Example , which is estimated to be at a record high and reflects the magnitude of health crisis that has befallen the average American citizen in present times (msnbc, 2010). One out of every three adults in the U.S. are either uninsured or underinsured (, 2010). Research suggests that this is one of the most crucial problems facing public policy makers. The people facing such problem are considered to be at a high health risk when faced with a serious illness, and may even face death due to delay in receiving primary care or prompt medical assistance (Hammaker & Tomlinson, 2010). Statistics suggest that there is a significant rise in the cost of health insurance in the current year, which is estimated to be about 9 per cent over the previous year (NYTimes, 2011). This is likely to have a negative impact on the public healthcare system, since most of the people depend upon company sponsored insurance. With the rise in healthcare insurance, coupled with weakening of the economy has led to loss of jobs, and hence rise in number of uninsured people. The poor and uninsured populations mostly depend on the public healthcare system which increases the financial demand on it, thus leading to uneven access to healthcare and poor clinical outcomes (Lundy, Janes, 2009). Currently access to healthcare is highly disparate across various socio-cultural groups. Such setbacks, act as a hindrance to the provision of good quality healthcare services, and restrict the performance of the sector (Williams, 2007). (2010). American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Issues facing America - Underinsured patients [Online] Available at: [Accessed: November 17, 2011] Msnbc, (2010). Number of uninsured Americans hits record high [Online] Available at: [Accessed: November 13, 2011] NYTimes (2011). Health

Farmgirl Broke the Contract with Pastaman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Farmgirl Broke the Contract with Pastaman - Essay Example The agreement between Pastaman and Farmgirl bore all the hallmarks for the existence of adequate consideration. According to Pollock (1906), one of the most basic elements to test for consideration is the premise that something must move from the offeree to the offeror. That is, the person making the offer must be expecting something in return. In this case, Pastaman offer to buy all of Farmgirl’s produce, including the excess was the item that was moving from him to Farmgirl. On the other hand, Farmgirl’s acceptance to sell all her produce to Pastaman, and no excess to a third party without his consent was the item that was moving from her to Pastaman. However, the alibi of consideration here became subjective or destroyed, given that her agreement to the contract was an aspect of detrimental reliance (Gordley, 1997) on Pastaman’s agent who claimed that their company had never sought the enforcement of the consideration clause. Farmgirl obviously acted on the be lief that there was no consideration and she had no obligation to respect the terms of not selling her excess tomatoes to a third party. As was seen in the famous case of Tweddle v Atkinson (1861)1 if no consideration is present, then the contract may not be enforceable, even if it contains a clause to the effect that it should be enforceable. In this landmark case, the absence of consideration prevented Tweddle implying a contract between himself and Atkinson (see: TweddleVAtkinson1861). However, Powell (1790) contended that another important factor that showed consideration was forbearance. That is, the consideration is said to exist when one party accepts to fail to carry out an act. Farmgirl never agreed to seek Pastaman’s consent before selling her excess tomatoes to third parties. So there wasn’t any act of forbearance here and hence any consideration.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Problem identification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Problem identification - Essay Example , which is estimated to be at a record high and reflects the magnitude of health crisis that has befallen the average American citizen in present times (msnbc, 2010). One out of every three adults in the U.S. are either uninsured or underinsured (, 2010). Research suggests that this is one of the most crucial problems facing public policy makers. The people facing such problem are considered to be at a high health risk when faced with a serious illness, and may even face death due to delay in receiving primary care or prompt medical assistance (Hammaker & Tomlinson, 2010). Statistics suggest that there is a significant rise in the cost of health insurance in the current year, which is estimated to be about 9 per cent over the previous year (NYTimes, 2011). This is likely to have a negative impact on the public healthcare system, since most of the people depend upon company sponsored insurance. With the rise in healthcare insurance, coupled with weakening of the economy has led to loss of jobs, and hence rise in number of uninsured people. The poor and uninsured populations mostly depend on the public healthcare system which increases the financial demand on it, thus leading to uneven access to healthcare and poor clinical outcomes (Lundy, Janes, 2009). Currently access to healthcare is highly disparate across various socio-cultural groups. Such setbacks, act as a hindrance to the provision of good quality healthcare services, and restrict the performance of the sector (Williams, 2007). (2010). American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Issues facing America - Underinsured patients [Online] Available at: [Accessed: November 17, 2011] Msnbc, (2010). Number of uninsured Americans hits record high [Online] Available at: [Accessed: November 13, 2011] NYTimes (2011). Health

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Barack Obama and Rick Santorum Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Barack Obama and Rick Santorum - Research Paper Example The paper will look into details in a succinct manner Rick Santorum’s policy regarding Iran and their weapons. Rick seems quite radical and static about the Iranians. In one of the NBC press, he stated that he would work effectively with Israel to dismantle the ongoing nuclear weapon making process in Iran. The policy is to ensure that the Iranians remains under the control of the US militia ands that they do not grow weapons that can harm the US, in one way or the other. Some people, especially the Muslims in the US, have seen this as a form of hatred that the aspirant has towards the Muslims in the United States. Other evidence is revealed on Rick’s claims on Obama’s religion. He supported a claim that the US president is a vowed Muslim and should not be the president of the US (Lysiak & Reddan, 2012). As a presidential aspirant, the above stand has seriously affected his candidature, especially among the American Muslims. Most Muslims have seen him as anti-Muslim aspirant, and quite a number of them have withdrawn their interest in him. His claim or policy has not affected any other US citizen apart from himself. His crucial support in Muslim societies has significantly gone

Monday, October 14, 2019

Vaccines and Misinformation Surrounding Them

Vaccines and Misinformation Surrounding Them Celeste Clark An Argumentative Exploration into Vaccines and Misinformation Surrounding Them: TL;DR, Vaccination and Autism Have No Correlation Since the late 1990s, myths about the risk of a link between standard infant vaccination and those administered being autistic as a result, as well as general superstition or skepticism over the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, have been perpetuated and grown in popularity. So much so, that the president (at time of writing, Donald J. Trump) has questioned their safety, potentially putting millions of lives at risk. Vaccination is important for the health and well being of a community, as well as the human race, and should not be disputed. The belief in the chance of developing autism from vaccination is a harmful conviction to autistic people and children who dont get vaccinated because of their parents irrational fear that says, through their actions, I would rather my child die of a preventable disease than have a disorder. Especially in the current climate of alternative facts and conflicting information, it is imperative one should mold their beliefs to fit the facts, not m old the facts to fit their beliefs. Firstly, the positive (a double-meaning here of favorable and certain) effects of vaccination. On the authority of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), Although children continue to get several vaccines up to their second birthday, these vaccines do not overload the immune system. Every day, your healthy babys immune system successfully fights off millions of antigens-the parts of germs that cause the bodys immune system to respond. The antigens in vaccines come from weakened or killed germs so they cannot cause serious illness. Vaccines contain only a tiny amount of the antigens that your baby encounters every day, even if your child receives several vaccines in one day. People are usually vaccinated when they are very young, since their immune systems are weak and not well developed. At their young age, they have a higher risk of contracting and failing to successfully combat diseases they come in contact with. The process of developing and testing vaccines begins with a laboratory, continues with clinical trials, and ends with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), who must approve a vaccine, its safety, and its effectiveness before its distribution and use in the United States. It is such a controlled and extensive process, it typically takes 10 to 15 years of research and testing before the vaccine is presented to, and approved or rejected by, the FDA. Vaccines, in their preventative nature, will likely seem to have a lack of effects to the person they are administered to-e.g., Person A gets vaccinated and nothing changes. Their life goes on as normal, and they do not notice that they have not come down with the disease that the vaccine counteracted. However, Person B was not vaccinated, gets the disease, and feels the full effects of what the vaccine silently prevented in Person A. For such a simple, quick procedure with a low-profile effect, its incredible the positive response it can have on an individual and a community. That, coupled with the fact almost all insurance covers it, makes it seem rather appalling more people fail to take advantage of it. An adverse event is, essentially, a coincidence; a health problem that occurs following vaccination that possibly could be induced by a vaccine. A side effect is a reaction shown to correlate to a vaccine by scientific studies and tests. The difference between adverse events and side effects is significant, especially in an argument as controversial and serious as this. It is important to recognise that personal anecdotes are not evidence. Adverse events reported to the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) are not necessarily side effects caused by vaccination. Vaccines do not affect or alter genes in any way, and gene mutation is what most likely causes autism, stated here by the Autism Society, There is no known single cause for autism spectrum disorder, but it is generally accepted that it is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function. Brain scans show differences in the shape and structure of the brain in children with autism compared to in neurotypical children. Researchers do not know the exact cause of autism but are investigating a number of theories, including the links among heredity, genetics and medical problems. In many families, there appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities, further supporting the theory that the disorder has a genetic basis. While no one gene has been identified as causing autism, researchers are searching for irregular segments of genetic code that children with autism may have inherited. Autism is a developmental disorder, a broad spectrum of different symptoms and traits, found in people of all races, genders, ages, etc. It is becoming more commonly diagnosed due to increased knowledge. It is not a disease, nor is it curable or caused by vaccines. This quote from the article Vaccines Dont Cause Autism, but Thats Not the Point by Leslie Waghorn explains the moral wrong of accusing vaccination of provoking autism, and how it affects autistic people: . . . The panel discussion being broadcast was teens and adults with autism and how federal funding could better support them. As the show closed, the moderator asked if anyone on the panel felt a vaccine had caused their autism. Silence. One teen panelist spoke up, no, but it hurts that you would ask that question. The moderators tone softened, he apologized and asked why. . . . As I recall his response was, because it makes me feel like Im damaged or broken, when Im not. I was born this way. My brain just works differently than most other peoples. When people talk about vaccines and autism it makes me feel like Im not a person but a bad result. It reminds me that no one wants a kid like me and parents will risk their kids lives and everyone elses just to make sure their kid doesnt turn out like me. Even if vaccines did cause autism, it isnt a death sentence. Vaccine-preventable diseases can be. Children are not better off dead than disabled. Sources Cited   Ã‚   Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999 Impact of Vaccines Universally Recommended for Children. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 02 May 2001. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Culp-Ressler, Tara. Massive New Study Provides The Best Proof Yet That Vaccines Dont Cause Autism. ThinkProgress. ThinkProgress, 22 Apr. 2015. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Ensuring the Safety of Vaccines in the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. U.S. Department of Health Human Services, Feb. 2013. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Evidence Vaccines Work. Northern Rivers Vaccination Supporters. N.p., June 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. The Facts Behind Vaccine Safety. New York State. Department of Health, Feb. 2015. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Fine, Paul, Ken Eames, and David L. Heymann. Herd Immunity: A Rough Guide. Clinical Infectious Diseases 52.7 (2011): 911-16. Oxford Academic. Infectious Diseases Society of America, 01 Apr. 2011. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Five Important Reasons to Vaccinate Your Child. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. How Do Vaccines Work? American Academy of Pediatrics, 21 Nov. 2015. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. How Vaccines Work. Immunization Action Coalition, 15 Aug. 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Importance of Vaccines. Immunization Action Coalition, 09 Nov. 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Khalakdina, Asheena, Alejandro Costa, and Sylvie Briand. Smallpox in the Post-eradication Era. Weekly Epidemiological Record 91.20 (2016): 257-64. World Health Organization. WHO, 20 May 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Making the Vaccine Decision. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 03 Aug. 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. New Meta-analysis Confirms: No Association between Vaccines and Autism. Autism Speaks. Autism Speaks Inc., 19 May 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Olson, Samantha. History Of Autism And Vaccines: How One Man Unraveled The Worlds Faith In Vaccinations. Medical Daily. IBT Media Inc., 23 July 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Possible Side-effects from Vaccines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 02 Dec. 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Proof That the HPV Vaccine Works. HealthyWomen. National Womens Health Resource Center, Inc., 22 Feb. 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children? N.p., 31 Jan. 2017. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Stern, Alexandra Minna, and Howard Markel. The History Of Vaccines And Immunization: Familiar Patterns, New Challenges. Health Affairs. Project HOPE, 01 May 2005. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Understanding How Vaccines Work. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. U.S. Department of Health Human Services, Feb. 2013. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Understanding Risk. The History of Vaccines. The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Vaccination Greatly Reduces Disease, Disability, Death and Inequity Worldwide. World Health Organization. WHO, Feb. 2008. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Vaccine Myths Debunked. Public Health., 27 May 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Vaccine Safety: Examine the Evidence. American Academy of Pediatrics, 26 Jan. 2017. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Vaccine Safety. ImmYounity. Sanofi Pasteur Inc., 03 Feb. 2015. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 23 Nov. 2015. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Vaccine Side Effects and Adverse Events. History of Vaccines. The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 27 Jan. 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Vaccines Work! Immunization Action Coalition. National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.>. Waghorn, Leslie. Vaccines Dont Cause Autism, But Thats Not the Point. The Scientific Parent., 07 Mar. 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Whats in Vaccines. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 01 May 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. What Causes Autism? My Child Without Limits. United Cerebral Palsy, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. What Is Autism? | Causes. Autism Society. Autism Society, 15 July 2015. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Why Do People Think That Vaccines Can Cause Autism? Caresquad., LLC, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Willingham, Emily, and Laura Helft. The Autism-Vaccine Myth. NOVA. Public Broadcasting Service, 05 Sept. 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. Willingham, Emily, and Laura Helft. What Is Herd Immunity? NOVA. Public Broadcasting Service, 05 Sept. 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Oil Spill Recovery Essay -- Energy Environmental Wildlife Essays

Oil Spill Recovery Can you imagine a world where clean water does not exist anymore? Can you imagine going to your kitchen and seeing black water instead of clear coming out of the faucet? Would you still go to the park if the rivers, lakes, and oceans would turn the color of oil and pollution? Would you still take your kids to see the fish and other living species if they were no longer living and floating belly up? How much would you pay to get the clean rivers, lakes, and oceans back? How much would it cost to get the living organisms living again in the rivers, lakes, and oceans? Maybe it is hard to imagine this world today because it is not as bad, water is not black, and living organisms don’t float bellies up when you walk by, but if we don’t think of the long run consequences of our polluting way of life today this horrible world won’t be so hard to imagine. Water covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface. It is the most valuable natural resource we have. For the most part all living organism require water to live, without water we would not exist. Water pollution is a very huge problem. By polluting our rivers, lakes, and oceans we are harming our planet. Organisms are dying at a very disturbing rate. Our drinking water has become greatly affected as well. There are a variety of causes of pollution they include sewage, fertilizers, wash off deposits, pathogens, petroleum, radioactive substances, heat, and other. The enormous accidental petroleum spills are an important cause of pollution especially along shore lines. Off-shore drilling operations contribute to the pollution pool. Certain statistical estimates state that for every million tons of oil transported one ton gets spilled. This paper will concentrate on oil s... ... 3rd edition, pg 373. 6.McKnight, J; Pelstring L. Patuxent River Oil Spill. Road to recovery. 7.The Website of Hydrocarbons Industry. Lamor Coproration AB - Oil Spill Response and Recovery Equipment. 8. Harju, T, High technology Finland. Managing oil spills more effectively (2003). 9.Oil Spills at the Water Surfave. Office of Response and Restoration, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . 2002 10Preventing Oil Spills. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2004

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Womens Rights :: Women Empowerment

Today women and men right are equal in the United States of America. Not long ago, there was a great difference in the treatment of men and women. Women provided care for the children and usually remained at home. Their education was limited to learning domestic skills. There were few opportunities for women to obtain an education because only a few colleges or universities would accept a female. Women had no access to positions of power. They were not allowed to enter professions such as medicine or law. They thought they were totally dependent on men. For the Industrial Revolution women were a really important role. This was the beginning of their independence, although factory conditions were very bad and their pay, were lower than men's, meant that lower-class women could become wage earners in factories. At the same time middle and upper-class women were expected to stay at home as idle, decorative symbols of their husbands' economic success. Such conditions encouraged the feminist movement. With industrialization happening rapidly in Great Britain and U.S feminism was more successful. In 1848 more than 100 persons held the first women's rights convention, at Seneca Falls, New York. Led by the supporter Lucretia Mott and the feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton, they demanded equal rights, including the vote and an end to the double standard. The number of working women increased virtually after the two world wars, but had low paid, female- dominated occupations, such as school teachers and clerical work. Women were not even allowed to vote until August 1920. In the 1960's however, changing demographic, economic and social patterns encouraged a resurgence of feminism. As working women encountered discrimination in many forms. The women's movement also questioned social institutions and moral values, basing many of it's arguments on scientific studies suggesting that most supposed differences between men and women result not from biology, but from culture. In the early 70's active feminists organized women's rights groups, ranging from the moderate National Organization for Women, founded in 1966 and claiming about 250,000 members to smaller, more radical groups. Private and governmental efforts covered in November 1977, when the largest convention of women ever held in the U.

Friday, October 11, 2019

An Efficient Bio-key Management Scheme for Telemedicine Applications

An Efficient Bio-key Management strategy for Telemedicine Applications Abstraction: Checkup detector webs play a critical function for real-time wellness attention monitoring of telemedicine based applications. Telemedicine provide specialized health care audience to patients in distant locations. We use electronic information and communicating engineerings to supply and back up health care when the distance separate the participants. In order to guarantee the privateness and security of patient’s critical wellness information, it is indispensable to supply efficient cryptanalysis strategy. This paper presents a fresh Mamdani based Bio-Key Management ( MBKM ) technique, which assures existent clip wellness attention supervising with out any overhead. We present the simulation consequences to demo that the proposed MBKM strategy can accomplish greater security in footings of public presentation prosodies such as False Match Rate ( FMR ) , False Non Match Rate ( FNMR ) , and Genuine Acceptance Rate ( GAR ) than other recent bing attacks. Keywords:Healthcare, security, Medical detector webs, Key Management 1. Introduction Progresss in communicating engineerings, such as wearable and implantable biosensors, along with recent developments in the embedded computer science country are enabling the design, development, and execution of medical detector webs. This category of webs is paving the manner for the deployment of advanced health care monitoring applications. In the past few old ages, much of the research in the country of medical detector webs has focused on issues related to medical detector designs, detector miniaturisation, low-power detector circuitry, signal processing, and communications protocols. In this paper, we present a novel Mamdani based Bio-Key Management ( MBKM ) , which assures existent clip wellness attention supervising with less operating expense for telemedicine applications. Telemedicine means the distant medical expertness at the point of demand or medicate at distance. Telemedicine engineering is chiefly required for the people populating in rural countries, aged people and handicapped people [ 1 ] . We highlight some of the design challenges and unfastened issues that still need to be addressed to do medical detector webs genuinely everyplace. The development of telemedicine based health care applications presents assorted fresh challenges like dependable existent clip informations transportation, seasonableness, Energy and Power direction for a broad scope of applications [ 2 ] . Further using new engineerings in telemedicine applications without sing security facets like privateness, hallmark, confidentiality and unity as susceptible [ 3 ] . For illustration, the patient’s wellness information is delicate and escape of single patient’s personal informations could do him uncomfortable. Furthermore sometimes exposing wellness information may ensue in a individual losing his occupation or do it infeasible to obtain insurance protection [ 4 ] . Fig.1 explains the hazards to patient security in Body Area Network ( BAN ) . Here assorted detectors are implanted in the human organic structure to mensurate the critical marks like ECG, EEG, EMG, Blood force per unit area, glucose degree, etc. , can be connected to other detectors or to the control nodes. Further detectors transmit the patient information to a medical expertness utilizing wired or wireless engineering. Now the interloper may spy the patient informations and he can change or may post the information in societal sites, which pose hazards to patient’s security. Fig.1 Risks to patient security More significantly, Healthcare supplier must follow HIPAA ( Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) regulations. Otherwise supplier is subjected to punishment [ 5 ] .So a patient security is a most of import anxiousness in telemedicine based health care applications. 2. Related Plants With the betterment of progress engineering invasive computer science is observed as cardinal engineering to help streaming medical informations communicating for telemedicine based applications with the aid of deploying detectors [ 6, 7 ] .Several solutions for medical information security have been proposed to protect the Body country web security. ECC ( Elliptic curve cryptanalysis ) , hardware encoding, TinySec and biometric methods are sorts of solutions discussed in [ 8 ] . Link layer encoding is achieved in the organic structure country web by TinySec attack [ 9 ] . If one medical detector releases the key or it acts as an aggressor, all the information in the Body country web will be released. Elliptic curve cryptanalysis ( ECC ) has been used in the radio detector webs [ 10, 11 ] . This public cardinal cryptographic technique requires more energy compared to symmetric cardinal cryptanalytic techniques. Biometricss obtained from the human organic structure to procure the key is proposed in [ 12 ] . Compared with cryptanalytic techniques, this technique cut down calculation and communicating cost. Electro cardio gm ( ECG ) and Photo plethysmogram ( PPG ) signals are used as first-class biometric characteristics to procure the informations in organic structure country web [ 13, 14 ] . The fuzzed vault strategy has been preponderantly used for biometric hallmark, such as fingerprints and iris image acknowledgment [ 15–17 ] . Fuzzy vault strategy play a major function to work out the job of security in telemedicine based applications. Fuzzy vault strategy is used in Phsiological Signal based Key Agreement ( PSKA ) to set up secured pairwise cardinal understanding between the nodes in Body country webs [ 18 ] , which solves chiefly the synchronism job and issues in characteristic reordering [ 19 ] . Biometric Encryption strategy is a cryptanalysis strategy which is used to keep the security of biometries and bring forth a strong key from biometries [ 20 ] . In this strategy, the husk points are non necessary to be added to convey, so the hold clip and energy ingestion is reduced. In [ 21 ] , the writer proposes new thought for message and user hallmark. This strategy compares present ECG signal with the antecedently recorded ECG templet to verify the individuality. Since the templet is inactive, this method provides hapless public presentation. The writers of the paper [ 22 ] propose ECG-IJS strategy to better hallmark of streaming medical information. The writer used characteristics of ECG signal to identify coevals for unafraid real-time medical informations communicating. 3. System Design Mamdani based Bio-key Management ( MBKM ) strategy is proposed based on the earlier treatment on ECG-IJS strategy. MBKM strategy is introduced to guarantee the security for streaming medical informations communicating in Telemedicine based applications. The proposed MBKM strategy is shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 MBKM strategy A novel proposed MBKM strategy is shown in Fig. 2 which uses organic structure country webs to give qui vive to the infirmary, even before the patient have critical jobs like bosom onslaught, glucose degree through mensurating alterations in their important marks as temperature of the patient, pulse rate, glucose degree, blood force per unit area and respiratory rate. Detectors, which are implanted in the patient’s organic structure step the degree of important marks and convey the parametric quantity values to medical expert working in the intensive bearer unit of the infirmary to take necessary actions to salvage the life of a patient. Intensive attention units are equipped with multi-modal proctors which are able to simultaneously step and expose the wellness position of the patient. In such instance, this important real-time medical information must be good sheltered against aggressors and security facets must be satisfied [ 23 ] . Health attention units with hapless security execution processs for telemedicine may take to incorrect diagnosing and intervention for the patient. The process at the transmitter side is given as follows: Electrocardiogram detector is used to detect the ECG signal from the human organic structure. Nyquist theorem at the rate of 120 Hz is applied on the ECG signal to take samples. 512 points Fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) is conducted on the sampled ECG informations. Since FFT procedure is symmetric foremost 256 coefficients are retained among 512 coefficients. All the extremum values on the extracted FFT coefficients are used as characteristics. A multinomial equation with degree N is constructed and the cardinal K is generated. Patient’s information is encrypted with the generated key K and hash value based on SHA-1 algorithm is calculated. Then sender sends the envelope contains the encrypted message, subset of coefficients and hash value to the receiving system. The process at the receiver side is described as follows: Similar to the transmitter, receiving system besides repeats the process to detect the ECG signal, try the signal and pull out the first 256 Feature coefficients. Then a new multinomial with degree M is constructed utilizing the standard coefficients and the multinomial on all points in characteristics to acquire a set of braces. Key at the receiving system K’ is reconstructed from received coefficients and the new hash value is calculated. Key K and hash value is compared with reconstructed cardinal K’ and new hash value. If the keys are same, so decrypted information is authenticated informations. Mamdani based Fuzzy illation system is playing a major function to guarantee security in telemedicine applications. Stairss for the design of fuzzed illation system are explained in the instance of multinomial grade 10 as follows: 1 ) Input signal variables are identified as I1, I2and end product variable is identified as Y. 2 ) Universe of discourse for the input variables are defined in the scope [ -0.01, -1e-16] and end product variable is defined in the scope [ 0,1 ] . 3 ) Linguistic label assigned for the interval spanned by each input variables in to a figure of fuzzed subsets are taken as S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,Second6, S7, S8, S9, S10. Linguistic label assigned for the interval spanned by each end product variables in to a figure of fuzzed subsets are taken as Yttrium1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5Yttrium6, Y7, Y8, Y9, Y104 ) Triangular rank map is assigned for each fuzzy subset. 5 ) Rule-base is formed by delegating the fuzzy relationship between inputs fuzzed subsets on the one manus and end products fuzzy subset on the other manus. If I1is S1and I2is S1so Y is Y1.If I1is S1and I2is S2so Y is Y2.If I1is S1and I2is S3so Y is Y3.If I1is S1and I2is S4so Y is Y4.If I1is S1and I2is S5so Y is Y5.If I1is S1and I2is S6so Y is Y6.If I1is S1and I2is S7so Y is Y7.If I1is S1and I2is S8so Y is Y8.If I1is S1and I2is S9so Y is Y9.If I1is S1and I2is S10so Y is Y10.In similar manner, wholly the 100 combinations of regulations are formed. 6 ) Fuzzy end products recommended by each regulation are aggregated. 7 ) Crisp end product is obtained by using one of the defuzzification technique called Centroid of country ( COA ) . Then utilizing this end product, parametric quantities like False Match Rate, False Non Match Rate and Genuine Acceptance Rate are calculated. 4. Simulation Consequences We validate the MBKM strategy by mensurating the parametric quantities like False Match Rate ( FMR ) , False Non Match Rate ( FNMR ) and Genuine Acceptance Rate ( GAR ) and Half Total Error Rate ( HTER ) . For this strategy, we downloaded 10 patient’s ECG signal for 10 seconds from MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database. We used MATLAB package tool to imitate the proposed MBKM strategy. ECG signals are used for coevals of cardinal and medical information like EEG, EMG, blood glucose degree, blood force per unit area degree etc. , can be send to medical expertness in existent clip for telemedicine based applications. The public presentation of FMR versus figure of patients is given inFig. 3. FMR value represents the chance that the system falsely matches the input form to a non-matching templet in the database. It measures the per centum of invalid inputs which are falsely accepted. So FMR value must be low for the stable system. This secret plan proves that False Match Rate is lower in the proposed MBKM strategy when compared to ECG-IJS strategy. Fig. 3 FMR versus Number of patients The public presentation of FNMR versus figure of patients is shown inFig. 4. FNMR value represents the chance that the system fails to observe a lucifer between the input form and a duplicate templet in the database. It measures the per centum of valid inputs which are falsely rejected.Stable system should give lower FNMR. This secret plan proves that False Non Match Rate is lower in the proposed MBKM strategy when compared to bing ECG-IJS strategy. Fig. 4 FNMR versus Number of patients The public presentation of GAR versus figure of patients is present inFig. 5.GAR value represents the fraction of hallmark efforts by echt users that are accepted. Stable system should give higher GAR. This secret plan proves that Genuine Acceptance Rate is higher in the proposed MBKM strategy when compared to the bing ECG-IJS strategy. Fig. 5 GAR versus Number of patients The public presentation of HTER versus figure of patients is present inFig. 6.HTER value represents the norm of False Match Rate and False Non Match Rate. Stable system should give low HTER. This secret plan proves that HTER is lower in the proposed MBKM strategy when compared to the bing ECG-IJS strategy. Fig. 6 HTER versus Number of patients 5. Decision Secure communicating is robustly required to continue a patient’s wellness privateness and safety in telemedicine based applications. In this paper, we present an efficient Mamdani based Bio-Key Management ( MBKM ) strategy for cardinal direction based security strategy in telemedicine based applications. This strategy makes the system stable system by supplying low FNMR, High GAR, low FMR and low HTER. This new strategy is less complex and is offers the security in footings of hallmark, informations confidentiality, informations unity. It remains future work to make energy analysis and implement nervous web attack to procure medical informations communicating for telemedicine applications. 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Thursday, October 10, 2019

National Institute for Engineering Ethics Essay

NIEE produced Henry’s Daughters to raise awareness of the ethical aspects of engineering work, advance knowledge and understanding of professional standards and public obligations and expectations, improve skills in moral reasoning, and strengthen personal dedication to exemplary conduct. Executive Producers were Joseph Herkert, Michael Loui, William Marcy, Steven Nichols, and Jimmy Smith. The entire NIEE Executive Board members served as Senior Investigators and Technical Advisors. Discussion Questions Professional Issues 1. Are there ethical implications to Henry, a lobbyist, hosting the senator on his expensive yacht? 2. Is there a legal or ethical limit to the level at which Henry should host the senator? 3. Is there an accepted code of practice or ethics for lobbyists? If not, suggest a few ethical statements for lobbyists. 4. Was it ethical for Henry to pull strings to get Julie her internship? 5. To what extent should engineers consider the political factors and social impacts to their engineering work? Ethics and New Technology Issues 6. What are the responsibilities of engineers when developing new technologies whose risks are difficult to foresee? 7. If GUIDME has the â€Å"best† technology, why should cost and other factors matter? 8. Because the experience base for a new technology is limited, it is difficult to write technical specifications. If engineers believe that the specifications are inadequate for future needs, should they recommend a system with characteristics exceeding those specifications? Conflict of Interest 9. Was it appropriate for Henry and his daughters to work on the same project for different parties? 10. How should Laura and Henry have handled their apparent conflict of interest? 11. How should Laura and Julie have handled their apparent conflict of interest? 12. Was Laura given the project because of her engineering talents and work ethic or because of Henry’s connections? If so, this might be a conflict of interest. If you are involved in a conflict of interest, what should you do? Gender Issues 13. Does the appropriate response to sexual harassment depend on the setting – for example, whether one is in a situation with one’s peers vs. with one’s supervisor? 14. Are sexist comments disguised as â€Å"jokes† acceptable? 15. Would Henry or the senator have treated events differently if either or both of Henry’s children had been sons? 16. Does the fact that Laura and Julie are attractive enter into any part of the interaction? Should it? 17. Is there a’ glass ceiling’ issue in this story? 18. How should the engineering profession address either the glass ceiling with the men’s club issue? 19. Is it permissible for a male employee to put his hand on a female employee’s shoulders? Or vice versa? For a male employee to put his hand on another male employee’s shoulders? 20. Is it permissible for a male employee to complement the female employee’s appearance? Or vice versa? Intellectual Property Issues 21. What is proprietary information? 22. Are there ethical limits to what the sisters can share with each other about their work? 23. Is it appropriate for an engineer to discuss work matters with family members? 24. How should employees and engineers decide whether to share some of their information from work when they go home? 25. When and why might using unlicensed software be unethical? 26. Is Julie justified in feeling harmed by the fact that some work she did for OUTOCAR was used as a dissertation without giving her credit? Issues for Henry 27. What were the unethical actions of Henry? 28. What, if anything, did Henry do that was ethically laudable? Issues for Laura 29. What were the unethical actions of Laura? 30. What, if anything, did Lara do that was ethically laudable? Issues for Julie 31. What were Julie’s unethical actions? 32. What, if anything, did Julie do that was ethically laudable? 33. As a  new employee, one of the limits to the engineering work that she should perform? Issues for other characters 34. Given that the project was assured for GUIDEME, was it appropriate to assign the OUTOCAR project to Warren and Marty’s team? 35. Could Warren have done anything to swat the chain of unethical actions? How could he have ethically acted with the least residual damage? 36. Which of Barry’s actions were ethical? Unethical? 37. Was Julie treated appropriately by Barry, Warren, and Marty? 38. Was Marty’s treatment of Warren harassment? 39. Should Laura have said something about Marty’s treatment of Warren (like she did about the ogling of Julie)? 40. Which of Jeff’s actions were ethical? Unethical? Privacy Issues 41. Given that biometric information is information about the physical condition or characteristics of individuals, is there a problem with collecting biometric information about individual vehicle drivers and passengers? 42. Does tracking vehicle location cause a violation of privacy? 43. Why might a central computer network be more threatening to individual privacy and information security than a decentralized system? 44. Should individual privacy rights be trumped by the law enforcement and safety benefits to the public from collecting such information? Vice versa? Legal, regulatory, and political issues 45. Should Sen. Bob every accused himself from the investigative committee? If not, why not? Is there anything that he should have done differently as a member of the committee? 46. How does an organization’s cop culture affect how engineers practice? How might it affect dealings with ethical issues? With legal issues? Effective Communications 47. One team meeting is marked by tensions about getting the projector started. Do ethical obligations suffer when the team is dysfunctional? Is some degree of disagreement appropriate? When does conflict become counterproductive? 48. If you were to develop an ethical corporate or  organizational culture, how would you encourage workers to feel comfortable about speaking freely about ethical, safety, and legal issues, and see such discussions as an obligation? 49. What are some standards the leadership of an organization should consider when creating an environment that creates good working and communication conditions? How would you set the appropriate standards? How would you make sure that you have communicated those standards effectively so that people not only understand them but also believe you are serious about them? 50. Two organizations have an obligation to host sensitivity training for their managers and their engineers? 51. What is society taught people about sensitivity training? 52. How can sensitivity training be brought into the organization’s leadership practices? 53. How can sensitivity training be subsumed into the organizations culture? 54. What do you think you would do to promote trust and respect among your colleagues and other professionals in other departments? Safety issues 55. Do accidents just have been or are they caused? 56. Whose responsibility is it to make sure that reasonable care and attention is given to safety? a. The engineer – designer? b. The Department of Transportation employee? c. Anyone who observes the problem? 57. . Did both designs involve an adequate margin of error? 58. Since complete safety is unobtainable and safety comes at a cost, what is a reasonable amount of protection from failure? Making Decisions 59. What would engineering codes of ethics say about Henry’s activities? About Lars? 60. When making final decisions, was Henry trying to meet his ethical obligations within the constraints that he had? 61. What options did Henry have? 62. What options did Lara have? 63. What options they Julie have? 64. What did you have done if you would been: a. Henry? b. Lara? c. Julie? 65. Do you think that you would receive the same degree of criticism from your organization if you violated ethical standard compared to violating or missing a deadline or an objective? 66. Do you put ethical issues on the same level of importance as business objectives? Should you? Important elements of business relationships 67. What is the most critical element of effective relationships? Loyalty? Obedience? Money? Trust? Openness? Candor? Something else? 68. What role should trust play in our professional and personal interactions? 69. What role should candor play in a professional or personal relationship? 70. Would candor imply effective communications? 71. Could you envision one definition of ethics being â€Å"those activities and practices that enhance trust†? Why or why not? 72. Although you will gain many things during a professional career, other things can be taken away from you. Your job could be taken away (and it often is during economic downturns). a. What things can never be taken away, unless you allow them to be? Can your reputation for integrity be taken away? b. List several ways you could protect that reputation. 73. if someone says â€Å" I trust you,† how does this make you feel about the relationship Guidance for the future  In our day-to-day work, we tend to look up to our leaders, supervisors, and/or bosses for guidance and inspiration about how we conduct ourselves. If we imagined that we were the boss, we might ask additional questions. Imagine that you won’t an organization, have all the necessary money, and need to decide what to produce, where to produce it, how to produce it, and how to set up your organization. 74. What specific actions could you take as the boss to make sure that everyone in your organization felt that they should conduct themselves to the highest standards of professional conduct and professional ethics? 75. What specific attributes would you haven’t placing your organization to make sure that happened? 76. What would you do to make sure that everyone in your organization conducted themselves to the highest professional and ethical standards? Would some of the following actions come to mind? a. Clearly define your expectations of  professional/ethical actions b. communicate those expectations effectively and continuously c. Live the standards personally. What people see in actions is what they’re going to believe. d. Create candor and open communication in the environment so that anyone within the organization feels free to bring up and discuss their thoughts, opinions, and ideas, but most of all, they feel free to bring up their concerns, problems, and news, be it good or bad, without fear of suffering some sort of retribution or reprisal.